Chapter One

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This is something that I brought over from, so the entire story is already posted there, so I will be posting chapters pretty quickly as this is technically already finished elsewhere. First time writing anything for this series. I get a little confused at which name to call them, their first or last, so I just call them by what I hear them call one another the most. Also we're going to pretend that pre-despair, their principal was really lenient with the students because he figured they were responsible and intelligent despite their young ages. And they live within the academy so they can do what they want! Yes, we will just go with that. Enjoy. Oh, and hopefully it doesn't get confusing with the switching back and forth from present to past. Enjoy :)


There he was, crying again. Just like he always did when any little thing went wrong. Except this wasn't just any little thing. This was huge. This was an accident. No one was supposed to know. Sitting up in bed, Chihiro furiously brushed his messy bangs out of his face as he stared with blurred vision at the man before him. His head spun from the speed at which he rose as he had to press a shaking had against his stomach in attempts to not throw up again. "I-I-I'm sorry..."

"You're sorry...?! You... you lied to me!"

"I didn't lie..." the smaller boy stammered from atop his messy bed, his entire body shaking from head to toe. He was sweating profusely, both from embarrassment and alcohol intake. The power in the other man's voice was enough to raise Chihiro's temperature and more tears welled in his pale hazel eyes. "Stop crying," he thought to himself, but it never worked. Just thinking of how scared he was sent him over. He dropped his blushing face into his palm, sobbing loudly. "I just..."

With a large huff, the man before him shook his fist in Chihiro's direction. "You knew where this was going and you didn't say a fuckin' thing!" The words shook the smaller of the two down to the bones and all he could do was cry. Cry and suppress the urge not to get sick again. "You lied!"

"I didn't ask you to kiss me!" the blonde shouted through thick sobs, this time using both hands to cover his face, which tingled with anger and disappointment. He wasn't the kind to get angry, but he couldn't help it. He was angry at himself, at the situation. How could he be so stupid? "Mondo, please, just..."

"No!" Mondo bellowed and for a moment, Chihiro was thankful that the walls were sound proof, because that simple shout was enough to shake the walls. The slam of the door following after almost knocked a picture lose from his nearby dresser. He stared at the closed door through soaked vision, his cheeks flushed with bright red anger. His tears felt hot with desperation as he finally threw himself from the bed, racing to the door. Instead of flinging it open, however, he locked it tight to avoid anyone else making their way in. Even Mondo, although he was sure the man was never coming back.

The sudden jolt to his feet reminded him about how unsteady he had been and his body spun fast like the fan hanging from the wall. He was going to be sick for at least the fourth time tonight. He turned on his heel, nearly tripping over his coat, which was lying on the floor, and made haste towards the bathroom. The light was still on from earlier and he dropped to his knees before the toilet, purging whatever was left in his stomach inside.

After a moment of being on the floor, he had finally gotten enough out of his system that he was able to stand. He grabbed the bathroom counter and pulled himself to his shaking feet, blindly searching for his tooth brush which was been idly thrown aside earlier. He stared at himself in the mirror, seeing a stupid, trembling little girl that he had lead everyone to believe was true. No one knew he was a boy... well, now someone did.

Today was Kiyotaka Ishimaru's birthday, and the headmaster had always given them permission to celebrate their birthdays basically however they chose to as long as they didn't leave the academy. Many of them didn't leave the academy often as they traveled far just to get there, which in turn meant missing out on celebrating important occasions with their families. So their treat was spending their birthday however they chose, which usually lead to a night of heavy underage drinking which resulted in silly mistakes such as falling down the stairs or jumping into the pool with all their clothes on. Nothing ever too dangerous and so far no one had done anything really stupid.

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