Chapter 4

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What time was it? The room was still dark with nothing but the dim night light in the bathroom peeking through a halfway closed door. Although feeling worlds better than the night before, Chihiro came in contact with the consistent drilling within his brain. His stomach had settled but now he felt like every movement was a shot to his skull. The dark room was disorienting and he couldn't see a clock anywhere in sight. His laptop had been perched atop his dresser across the room, so he couldn't quickly check there either. If he had to guess, it was probably sometime before noon. He slowly sat up, letting his small legs dangle over the side of the bed. There was clothing and shoes strewn everywhere and he became aware that he was only wearing one stocking. Grumpily jerking it off, he tossed it towards the chair across the way. The sheer stocking slid over the biker's coat. The boy stared for a long while. He was going to have to return that.

He stood up, reaching his hand out to snatch up the coat. In a fit of childish rage, he swept it off the back of the chair and threw it across the room. Violence wasn't something he succumbed to often, with his timid, quiet nature, but every now and then, screaming and throwing a fit felt like the answer. The chair kicked over with the sudden force, dropping to the floor with a heavy thud. Shivering all the way up his legs, past his spine, and into his head, the sound caused the ache to grow fiercer and despite the memories of last night flooding his brain, Chihiro knew getting angry wasn't going to fix a thing. What had been done was over now. He was stupid, he made a seriously stupid mistake, and now all that mattered was trying to fix it. And maybe getting some breakfast and ibuprofen to suppress this headache.

After taking a quick, warm shower to wash the sweat and dirty memories from his body, he collected himself in a pair of very baggy pajama pants and an over sized sweater. Normally he wouldn't have come out so sloppy, but he had seen most of them the day after a night of drinking. They all looked like a mess, and most of the time, some of them showed up to breakfast in whatever they fell asleep in. He would fit right in. He stumbled down the hallway, noticing that not a single person was in sight. If he wanted to, he could easily return and toss that jacket into the hallway like it had never been in his room at all. But he was already too far from his room, and as he slowly slipped past the last few doors, he noticed Mondo's. It was shut, as everyone else's and for a moment the blonde felt his stomach bubble in anxiety. What if the man was in the cafeteria? There was no way he could sit in the same room as him, regardless of how big that room was. Not today.

Trudging past, he kept his nervous attention forward, noticing that it was unusually quiet this morning. Quiet except the pounding in his head. Normally there was chatter and loud hollers from the cafeteria after a party. Usually those loud hollers belonged to Ishimaru and Mondo, however... meaning one of the two must not be in the cafeteria. With a heavy sigh, Chihiro pushed his way inside, wincing at the bright sunshine that enveloped the room. Once he could settle his attention without feeling like his retinas were burning, he saw a small collection of his fellow classmates spread about various tables. The mess from the previous night had been cleaned, most likely by those who had not been drinking the night before, and possibly a sweep through by the headmaster and a few other staff.

Sweeping his gaze over, he noticed that both Mondo and Ishimaru were absent from breakfast this morning. To the far left of the room was Togami, facing away from the crowd with a book perched in his fingers. As much as he didn't enjoy breakfast with everyone, he made it a point to come join the day after an event because being around the moaning hung over fools was entertaining to him. Chihiro made sure not to glance towards him on his way towards the kitchen to avoid any mockery. Fukawa sat across from him with her head low, scribbling down some words in a decrepit looking notepad, also only joining breakfast when her white knight would. She most likely mocked in her head as well.

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