Chapter 2

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The light from the bathroom shut off as a much disoriented Chihiro clumsily stumbled his way towards his bed. He collapsed into it with a heavy groan, shutting his eyes tightly to suppress the headache thudding within his brain. His blankets felt warm, crumbled from the bodies that once lay atop them and he breathed in the scent of his perfume and Mondo's skin. With a shudder, he wrapped the blankets around himself, burying his face into the pillow. He wanted to sleep, but with the pounding headache and disconnected memories flooding his mind, it wouldn't come soon.

After the boys' game had dissolved and the small boy had made enough awkward, slurred requests for more to drink, Mondo walked the drunken kid to the kitchen. The biker clicked on the light and slowly made his way towards the fridge, jerking it open and searching for the pitcher of the hard lemonade. Chihiro leaned against the door frame with blushing cheeks and a clumsy smile, holding the cup out before him. "Here you go!" he then yelped, tossing the plastic cup across the way in hopes that it would land on the counter. It bounced against the counter top, knocking over a couple of empty beer bottles meant for recycling before tumbling to the ground, splattering what little drink was left inside on the floor. "Ooops..."

"What are you doin'?" Mondo grunted, hearing the commotion behind him but keeping his attention intent on the fridge. He spotted the pink pitcher towards the back of one of the shelves, snatching it up and turning around just in time to watch Chihiro bend over to retrieve his cup. In one swift movement, the smaller boy leaned over, popping his head hard against the counter top before immediately falling to his knees. Mondo set the pitcher down, his eyes going wide as Chihiro covered his face with his trembling hands. "Whoa, whoa, watch it!"

It was almost instant. Just a second ago, Chihiro was giggling like a fool, and now tears were streaming down his face. "Lemme see," Mondo offered, his voice picking up as he also clumsily got to his knees before the kid. He brushed his fingers across the other boy's forehead, parting his hair to reveal a large red spot where he had connected with the counter. "Hey, hey, stop cryin' now..." Chihiro peeked through his fingers at the gentle touch, the biker's fingertips gracing over the bruising area of his skin. It stung but it would be fine a few minutes from now, but in his state, it felt like the end of the world. "You're cryin' all your make up off."

The smaller blonde let out a trembling sigh and the red embarrassment flushed his cheeks. Bringing his tiny fingers beneath his eyes, he attempted to wipe away the tears and mascara, only smearing it all over his cheeks. Mondo smiled from the corner of his lips, before turning his head away. "You look like a raccoon," he chuckled, standing up completely and offering a hand to the little one on the floor.

"Does it... look okay?" Chihiro sniffled, rubbing his hand along his forehead. The pain was already starting to dim, but now he just felt dizzy. He glanced down, noticing his cup was still at his feet, rolling gently from side to side before coming to a stop at his toe. "Ohh... my cup..." As if he just forgot about knocking his head against the counter, the programmer reached down again to retrieve it.

Before he could even get about an inch bent over, however, Mondo pressed his hands on the smaller of the two's hips, lifting him off the ground and setting him gently on top of the counter. Chihiro was taken by surprise, throwing his hands on the biker's shoulders with a soft squeak, staring at the man before him. He was strong, but careful, at least at the moment. "Park it," he barked accidentally, not wanting any more accidents to occur. The blonde winced at the sudden anger in the other man's voice, bowing his head down as if he had gotten in trouble.

Of course, now laying in bed alone, Chihiro now remembered why Mondo had gotten so loud and stern with him after hurting himself. It wasn't that he hurt himself. It was the fact that Mondo had let himself get close enough to a girl to put his hands on her. Chihiro once remembered Sayaka gossiping to the other girls that apparently Mondo had difficulties speaking to girls, especially ones that he liked. Naturally, he was a loud, boisterous man who liked to shout even when joking with the other boys, but anytime he yelled out of anger, everyone knew what he was mad about.

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