Chapter 4

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Author's Note

Listen to  Middle - DJ SNAKE FT. BIPOLAR while reading this. Kayo rin you'll miss the feels.


It's been two days. 2 SLEEPLESS DAYS. The memory would just run back to me by itself making me want to snap out of it. I wish it didn't happen. Ugh, why am I so wretched? Well, we're still talking but it or I make it awkward. Why did I let that happen? I lost my guard.

Here I am, wrapped with blankets and playing with my joystick. I've been a mess. The thought of us that night makes me cringe and just kill myself. Why did that happen, Julia?

I was racing against 8 cars in this game called Asphalt. When I was about to do a drift, I remembered us singing a song.

"OH MY GOD GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF WILL YA?" I threw the joystick from across the room hitting all the books I fixed before. I'm being erratic and out of myself, am I? I stood up and picked up my joystick. When I sat down on my original place, my phone vibrated. It was a text from him

"You up?" it read.

I was already panicking. Maybe he'll ask me out again. No, I was so careless before and I don't want to be again. I have to keep my ducks on a row.

"Yup, just ate breakfast.." I replied.

I sighed heavily and went back to playing. When I was about to do a happy dance because I won, my phone vibrated again.

"Well, um, can I take you out again?"

Those 7 words made me giddy. I should stop being a girl and gushing over him. It's for my best.

"Depends.." I pressed sent and hoped that he won't text back.

I got up and went out of my room to get some food from the fridge. I came back and sat on the bed. From across me, my phone won't stop vibrating.

"I'll pick you up"

"Are you okay with that?"

"Does 6 sounds good?"

"PS: you don't have to consider this as a date."

Texts like that filled up my phone, but one caught my attention.

"I love you and dress well :)"

Holy fucking hell! I composed myself and replied casually

"Um k. See ya!"

I smacked myself and stayed puzzled. Damn this boy and his effects on me.

The day went by fast. Before I knew it, I was already picking up an outfit for tonight. Dresses, flannels, blouses, and tees flooded my room. None were perfect or fitting. What will I even wear? I don't even know if I should wear a casual or formal.

I just decided on a floral dress and white Vans. I did all my usual routine and dressed up. I applied a tad bit of mascara and topped it off with a nude lipstick. What? I'm also a girl, but I don't prefer looking like a cake because of make-up.

I pulled my phone out of its charger and made my way out.

My parents are out for a meeting and Tyler went to a party without me. Yikes!

So it was just me, the maids and the guards in this house. I glanced at the clock and realized that it's 5:45 already. Should I call him or text him? Nah, I'll probably look like I'm excited. So I just watched tv to pass time. I was too preoccupied with the void Stiles in front of me to acknowledge the knocks. A maid answered it while I prep myself.

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