Chapter 5

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Author's Note

Indebted has 1k reads! And we want to thank every single one of you who's been with us from the beginning, thankyou guys so much. We love you!


"Get dressed, we're going to the clubhouse," my mom walked inside my room and started moving the curtains.

"Don't make me tell your dad about this, Julia. I tolerate you and your partying too much," she folded her arms and looked at me straight in the eyes.

I decided to get up from the floor (where I slept again) and made my way to the bathroom, "Thank you Julia!" Mom closed the door and left me.

I did my usual routine even though I'm not feeling well. I was still sick from what happened last night. But I was so happy because I regained myself.

When I was fully dressed up and fixed, I went downstairs only to see all of them waiting for me.


The ride to the clubhouse was not long. It only took us 5 minutes. When we arrived, dad got his golf bag and mom got her basket. Tyler and I were hungover to even lend them a hand so we decided to walk first.

The receptionist knows us by heart so she just smiled at us and asked an usher to help dad carry his bag. We all went to the golf course just because my dad wants to play.

I walked quietly and ignored their conversation about the renovation of this clubhouse and whatsoever. When dad was setting up his golf ball, my mom screeched catching my attention

She turned around and smiled at whoever was behind, "Marcoses, we weren't expecting you here."

Shit bro! Don't tell me! I was too tempted to turn around so I just looked at my dad who was busy talking with tito.

"Wilsons. Nice to see you guys!" His mom's voice was void of excitement, "Is that Julia?"

I turn around for tita, "Hi tita," I smiled and turn my back again.

"Yes she's not in the mood for some reason," mom spilled. Mom ugh. I rolled my eyes, she can't see it's okay.

"Oh I see, so are you coming to.." Wait, alam kaya ni tita? Did Sandro tell her that we're not okay or that we argued last night of about the deal? 

I ignored them and opened some boring apps to pass time. Half of me want to look back, but I chose not to. When everyone around me was having fun, I decided to take a stroll around. I stood up and made my way to the grassy part. Everyone was busy with their stuffs when I walked out.

I ran to the playground and sat on one of the cherry-padded swings. I took everything in. I closed my eyes and took a step back and let the swing swung. I did that for a matter of time and stopped when I heard footsteps in front of me.

"Can we talk?" he has his hands on his pockets while standing in front of me.

"Are you really that desperate? Does it look like I want to?" I snapped at him.

I put my feet down on the ground and stopped swinging.

He walked closer, "Okay, just hear me out then, please?" he pleaded.

"Hell no. Did you really think I would believe everything you're gonna say after those freaking flimflams you did to steal my heart?" I blasted. I'm about to cry but I'm doing my best to hold back my tears.

I was about to walk out when he held my hands and pulled me in front of him making me land on his chest, "What the actual fu—" I was about to cuss but he put his hand over my mouth.

"Stop, let me talk first," he commanded. NILUNOK KO LAWAY KO I SWEAR just like in movies.

I wriggled my hands from his grip but he was stronger, he took his hand off my mouth and talked.

"So yeah, at first, I asked you to do me a favor since I badly need someone to do that. But please, I want you to know that I did that because I liked you. I like you, Julia. I don't care if I'll sound like a madman or eager to have a relationship, but I want us back. Oh wait—I want us to start over again," he explained.

Should I believe him? A part of me says yes.

"Let me fucking go!" I shouted at him.

He let go off me and looked down at his feet, "I explained my side, it's up to you to decide," he said.

It took me a minute to reply, but I did that with the most cliché reply.

I held his chin up and he looked at me straight, I sighed before saying..

"Fine, one chance. You're lucky I like you because if not, I'll probably be strangling you down now," I smiled at him.

"Oh my god, you're the best—wait, uh. Hi! I'm Sandro and I can't help but notice you needed a company, can I take you out, formally?" he said.

Damn this boy is so cliché than Augustus Waters!

"Well, sure. Julia by the way," I replied holding back my laughter.

He snaked his arm around me, "Let's ice cream and chill?" he asked.

"As long as the ice cream has a cherry on top then I'm up!"

We walked towards the highway hand in hand until we reach a gelato stand.

He's so lucky bad girls like me have a heart, because if not, I'll probably won't pay him no attention.

Author's Note

Since mahal namin kayo, here's a short update. VOTE VOTE VOTE FOR EVERY CHAPTER!

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