Chapter 12 (Will)

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*************RECAP: I tried to reach out and grab her again, but that only brought my to my knees as my symptoms got worse. I could do nothing but watch as Viper slowly approached, a cruel smile on her face. she kneeled in front of me and whispered in my ear," As for what we want? That's to win of course." The next thing I saw was her red fist rearing back and punching my face. Then darkness.*********  WARNING THERE IS SOME BOYXBOY MATERIAL IN  THIS CHAPTER!!!!! IF YOU AREN'T INTO THAT YOU MAY SKIP THIS CHAPTER, BUT YOU MIGHT MISS SOME IMPORTANT STUFF!!! ALSO DON'T HATE ITS WHAT I WANT TO WRITE ABOUT AND IF THIS SURPRISES YOU THEN YOU HAVEN'T BEEN PAYING ATTENTION


I watched Kevin as he strode ahead of me. The slender boy look at peace in the forest, I had been worried about him with the whole Kendal situation, but he seemed fine now. I was jolted from my thoughts when I bumped into Kevin's back. "Hey why'd you?" I trailed off when I saw the amazing scene before me.

At the end of the path was a small waterfall that you'd see in one of those tourist brochures; the kind that you could stop at and take swim in. The water was crystal clear but, was so deep that you couldn't see the bottom. 

"You wanna go in?" Kevin said, turning towards me, a pleading smile on his face. I couldn't say no that face so I just smiled as said,"Yeah".

"Ok, but can you see if theres like a zipper on something on this thing, I want to cool off." He said, gesturing to the back his suit. I ran my hands along his back until I found I felt a button give at the base of his spine. 

His suit shrank into a pair of shorts, it showed off his lean muscles. My eyes ran up and down his taunt back muscles, I realized that I was running my hand down his spine and snatched my hand back. "Oh thats cool." I said awkwardly, trying not to stare at him too hard. "Heck ya it is!" He said, racing down to the water and diving in.

I watched him splash around for a few minutes before shouting,"Hey Kev I wanna get in help me out here!"I was suddenly struck by the a sense of familiarity but quickly shrugged it off. Kevin suddenly stopped, a confused and bewildered expression on his face. "What did I say something?" I asked, worried I upset him. 

"No, I'm fine. Come here." He said, swimming to the edge.

 I turned my back and felt his tiny fingers feel down my back until I heard a click and felt the suit shifting on my skin. I suddenly got a fun idea. I twisted around and grabbed Kevin by his waist and tossed him further out into the water.


I came up from the water laughing. "Don't make me hurt you Will." I said playfully. "Oh I'd like to see you try Kev." He said diving under the surface. Again I got the weird feeling that I had earlier. I felt like I had heard Will say that before, but he hadn't. Had he? While I was distracted by my thoughts Will had managed to swim under me. He surfaced, tossing me into the air laughing.

I swam back up to him."Gosh Will one would think that you want an excuse just to touch me." I said with  a smile. I giggled when I saw a red creeping up from his neck and on his cheeks. I slowly made my way to him, and treaded water in front of him. "What don't tell me that I make you nervous?" I teased. It was back, that nagging feeling that this had happened before and what was going to happen next. 

The smile slipped of my face as the feeling grew. "Does this all seem familiar to you?" I whispered, drawing a little closer, gazing past his wet bangs into those bright blue eyes. "Yes and I know what's going to happen next... I have a feeling that you do too," He whispered bringing a hand to my cheek and drawing me in. 

Our lips brushed together hesitantly and a fire awakened between us. We kissed at each other hungrily, our lips roughly attacking each other. Time seemed to stop with this kiss. All sound faded and nothing else existed except Will. Will.

A flash of pain shot through my head causing me to reel back and cry out. I clutched my head, eyes screwed shut as the memory flooded my mind. It was the beach memory again. I was there with that boy, I could see him more clearly as the memory progressed. We were nearing the end of the memory. 

Both of us stood close on the pier overlooking the ocean and were watching the sunset when he turned toward me. He drew me close and whispered something into my ear. I leaned toward him, our lips drawing closer together when the fog covering his face lifted.

It took a second for his features to come into focus. It was Will. That blonde hair, those bright blue eyes with their flecks of  sea green, his sandalwood scent that always set me at ease, and his figure they were unmistakable. I don't understand how I didn't see it before! 

He was in front of me of me this whole time. As the memory ended, the pain soon turned into a dull ache. I slowly opened my eyes and realized that I was still in Will's arms. His eyes were filled with worry that filtering into his voice when he spoke,"Are you okay? What happened? Talk to me Kev."

"It was you Will. In my memories it was you, I should've realized it sooner. I'm sorry."I replied softly, looking at him with new eyes.  'What do you mean? I don't understand Kevin." He said.

Opened my mouth to tell him more, but instead let to a cry of shock as something grabbed my ankle and pulled me under. I slipped through Will's arms watching as he and the light faded from view. The thing swam swiftly, pulling me down into the dark and murky depths in a matter of seconds. As soon as it released me I threw up a shield to give me about an arms length of room.

I looked around but couldn't see what grabbed me. I could barely see a few feet in front of me, it was just too dark down here even with the dull orange glow that my shield gave off. Huh? I never noticed it did that before

All thoughts were put out of my mind when a pale shape darted past me out of the corner of my eye. I spun to face it, but it slipped back into the darkness.  I was starting to freak out a little, this thing was making me nervous, whatever it was. My shield flickered for a few seconds, I focused my energy on stabilizing it. Stay calm. Don't freak out, Will is on his way you just have to focus and keep the shield up. If you don't focus that thing is going to get you. 

Kevin is in the dark by himself with an unknown enemy! Will he survive this dangerous encounter? Will William be able to get to his friend in time to find out what he remembered about Will and will he ever recover his memories of him and Kevin? Will the memories of the rest of the team come back? Will Team One triumph over our rag tag team of E's? Find out in the next chapter!!!!

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