It's all her fault . I don't even like her. She's my dad's new girlfriend, well, not anymore they are engaged. That's why we are moving because she got a job in Spain. They didnt even tell me until yesterday. My dad and I used to get on great we went on little field trips most Saturdays and had wonderful lazy Sundays watching TV . I loved those old weekends. But then she came and ruined it.
We met her on a Sunday evening while we were having a lazy stroll in the park. She was sitting on a bench reading and dad sat beside her. Acording to him the imediatly hit off. I was to busy talking to Molly to realise it.
We are moving to Spain because Rachel (that's my soon to be stepmum's name)got a job as assistant manager in this big shoe company and they needed her to go to Spain ASAP . My dad and Rachel both agree that its a great opertunity to learn a new language and have a fresh start.
I'm starting university there next month and I know I'm going to hate it. I won't know anyone and I will be missing Molly and David terribly. By the way if you were wondering what happens to the glasses and the braces well... I don't need them anymore (that's about the only good thing going on in my life) I don't look so hideous now as I did before.
Friki Fraternity
RomanceNew girl, new place, a geek fraternity to change and a new boy...