Chapter 3.

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"Do you see what you've done now?" The voice screamed in his head. "You've ruined everything!"

Josh covered his ears and shouted in a desperate attempt to shut out the voice, but it just screamed louder.

"Don't you understand? This is your fault, just your fault! It was you who did this to yourself, you have to live with the consequences."

"NO!" Josh tried to turn in bed, but suddenly he was paralyzed. He tried to scream for help, but his lips were sewn together with barbed wire.

He closed his eyes and tried to stop the voice from screaming, but when he opened his eyes again, he was no longer in his hospital bed.

He stood on a roof.

He turned around and saw Tyler, he stood five feet from him.

"Tyler" Josh whispered, stretching out a hand, but Tyler just looked at him with ice cold eyes.

"You did this to yourself" he said, but his voice was much darker than it used to. He was barely moving his lips.

Tyler rushed up to Josh and pushed him down the roof.

He fell head first, but felt nothing, no hope and no fear.

He fell into an eternity without ever hitting the ground. A raven, black as the night, flew beside him.

"Josh ...?" The raven spoke to him. It pronounced his name.


It was a strange tingling in her stomach when Sarah got up the next day. 

For the first time since she came to Columbus, she felt very much that she had a task to complete. She had a responsibility, and she knew she would do anything to help Josh to rediscover himself. 

It felt like she had the most important mission on earth, and she was proud of it.

That morning she selected clothes very carefully, even though she would have her scrubs on all day, and she even put on some makeup.

She couldn't help but smile to herself, how pathetic she was. Josh was just her patient now. She would help him because he was sick, nothing else.

When she checked in for the day, she glanced through her schedule, and discovered that Mrs. Hill had canceled all her meetings with Josh. 

She gasped, if there was anyone here who knew so much about Josh's background, it was her. She could help him to remember, to forget and to forgive.

She went to see Mrs. Hill in her office.

"Why have you canceled all my meetings with Mr Dun?" She asked as soon as she entered.

"Good morning to you too" Mrs. Hill answered and looked up from the computer. "I had a meeting with all the department heads at the hospital, and we agreed that it's better that way. He needs regular treatment right now, not a therapist."

"But if he's gonna find himself, he needs help! And I can help him. I know his background, I know his life."

"That's exactly the problem, Ms. Hoffman" Mrs. Hill interrupted. "We don't want to push him."

Sarah was so angry that she was shaking when she left Mrs. Hills office. She knew she was the best person for Josh, she knew that she could help him.

Inside her own office, she sat down and tried to collect herself. She picked up the photograph of Tyler that she had kept in her drawer and examined it.

"Tell me Tyler, what happened to your friend? What has happened to you?"

Sarah remembered how Mrs. Hill said that Josh dreamt a lot about Tyler.

I need to figure out what happened, she thought. She turned her computer on and began her research. After ten minutes, she got hold of a whole bunch of articles about the accident.


The picture of the accident, the car, the tree, made Sarah feel sick, and she vomited straight into the trash.

It can't be true, she thought. All these years, and nothing has reached me.

She decided to take the day off and go to talk to Josh. She had to help him.

"Josh ..?" She sat down on the same chair as the day before, Josh sat still, staring out the window, but the Raven was not there.

She looked at him for a long time, his eyes followed the branches that moved to the cold wind.

"Josh, I ... " she began, but didn't know how to say everything she wanted to say.

"I know who you are ... and I ... do you think of him a lot"

His eyes roamed, a reaction!

She could see how his mind struggled to remember, she didn't want to push him so she was silent.

"Nice weather, isn't it? When you feel a little better, we can go for a walk out there. She nodded towards the hospital's courtyard. It's so nice out there, Josh, you'd love it, in the summer there will be lots of grass and flowers, then we can sit outside all day. Do you like flowers, Josh?"

He closed his eyes suddenly and took a deep breath, as if he was trying to smell something. Then he opened them, and everything was back to normal. He continued to stare.

"I'll prove to you that you can trust me" she whispered, barely audible. "I will fight for you." The door opened and a nurse arrived.

"You shouldn't be here" she said when she saw Sarah. "Visiting time has not started yet, you have to wait outside."

"I am a therapist here, I'm just speaking a bit with Mr Dun."

"You can't talk to him, you are not on the case. It's just me and Mrs. Hill that may be in here, unless there's visiting hours."

Mrs. Hill appeared in the doorway.

"What are you doing here, you have patients to care for? She was very irritated.

" I'm here, Mrs. Hill, because I would risk my life for this patient. That's what we are expected to do on RMH, right? I would risk my life to help Josh.

Sometimes quiet is violent (Josh Dun)Where stories live. Discover now