A drive with Reid

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"I don't understand it. I can't find any connection between them." Reid tells the team an hour later when we're all in the conference room.

"Did you two find anything?" Hotch directs the question towards Morgan and I.

"Nothing jumped out at me. Except maybe the first victims husband. He seemed a little upset but I'm not sure if his anger was enough to do this."

"It wasn't him." I say confidently.

"Why do you think that?" Reid asks curiously.

"Even if he was angry enough to kill his wife, what about the other two? He didn't know either of them. Plus he has alibi's for every one of the nights."

"Makes sense." Reid concedes.

"Did you check the alibi's?" Hotch questions me.

"Um, no. There wasn't any time since you called this meeting."

"Then we can't rule him out as a suspect." Hotch states.

"Of course. I just have this gut feeling that he's inocent." I explain.

"We can't let personal feeling effect us, no matter how much we don't want to we still have to be objective." Hotch tells me in the same tone.

"Yes of course sir." I say, all the while thinking: no wonder you're so good at the job, you find it easy to put emotions aside.

"Still no word from Garcia?" Hotch asks Morgan.

"Not yet." just as he finishes his sentence his phone rings.

He looks at the caller ID "Speak of the devil."

He puts the phone to his ear "Hey babygirl. What you got for me?...hmm....hmmm...that all?" he chuckles "Yeah thanks."

He turns back to the team "The Doile's have rented a cottage about a hundred miles North-west of here. It's on a dirt road and if you weren't looking for it as hard as Garcia, they'd never find it. It would take about an hour and a half to get there from here."

"Reid, Whitler, you two go interview them."

Morgan smirks, knowing that I would probably have to drive even though I hated it.

I put on a smile for Reid's sake though.

We walk out side by side. He gets in the passenger side out of habit and doesn't think anything of it until I start the vehicle.

"Would you like me to drive?" he asks, his voice rising slightly in embarassment.

"It's okay."

"Good. I'm pretty bad at driving." he expains with his cheeks growing ever redder.

"Just wait till I start driving."I tell him.

He chuckles.

I start to back up only to find that the gear is still in forward and we're facing the station.

I manage to slam on the brake just in time and quickly look to gage his reaction. Pink face turned white as a sheet.

Not good.

"Reid-" I start.

"Maybe I should drive." he suggests.

"Good idea." I agree none to reluctantly.

We switch places and are soon on the road. There are a few bumps but they aren't caused by buildings or living things so I'm happy.

"Did you know that males are statistically much more likely to crash than females?" he asks after ten minutes of silence.

"No, but I do now. Thank you for the reassurance and sweet dreams." I tell him with my hands tightening on the seat underneath me.

"Sorry, I'm not so good at starting converations."

I'm about to say 'you think?' but considering I almost crashed us into a police station I decide against it.

"A weather opener could be useful," I advise "and not one about natural disasters in the area."

He laughs "I have done that a couple times. It does tend to bring all small talk to a stop."

I smile and shake my head "You are unbelievable."

"I'm a better driver than you are."

After a chuckle from me the car slips back into silence.

"Have you read any of Rossi's books?" Reid asks, surprising me.

"A couple. Why?"

"Just wondering."

The silence desends once again.

"So, what's all hapened since we last met?" he finally asks.

"Not much. I got the Phd in phycolodgy and came here."

"And your sister?"

"Amber's fine. She has some boyfriend now and no time for family."

"Sorry. I can't seem to recall ages though. Was it you who was older or her?"

"Me by three years." as I say this another thought crosses my mind "what about your family?"

"Only child. I only have my mom."

"Oh." I could tell that there was more but I wasn't going to push it.

There was one thing I would push though "Whats the deal with you and Lila Archer?"

"Nothing! I saved her life once and we became friends."

"Don't give me that bullshit! Your voice rose a whole octave higher than usual. It doesn't take any profiling to tell that you're lying."

"We should focus on the case."

"Come on!"

"I don't want to talk about it okay?"


The rest of the drive was full of equal parts tension and silence.

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now