The Doile's

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"Here we are." I startle at Reid's raised voice and realize I had fallen asleep.

Why was I so tired today? I rub my eyes and blink a couple times, trying to get the heavy feeling out of them.

Once I can see clearly I look towards the cottage.

It's white and not very big, probably four rooms at most. There's forest surounding it from all sides, leaving the whole place in shadows.

"How did you get in here?"

"I managed to find a small opening over there." Reid points straight behind us, behind the house "Had to go around twice to find it."

"You should've woken me up. Four eyes are better than two."

"Not when the extra eyes are half asleep from jet lag."

I blink "How much time did we lose?"

"Only three hours but that's enough for someone who's never flown before."

"Is it that obvious?"

"No, Hotch pointed your motion sickness out to Morgan and I overheard."

I'm taken aback "Hotch?"

"He was on the team already when Morgan joined so he noticed the signs."


I step out of the SUV and towards the building. Reid puts his arm in front of me.

"If they're out here hiding they may react to us with violence. Let me go first."

I swallow down the lump in my throat and nod silently. He walks slowly with his gun drawn.

He knocks on the door "This is the FBI, we mean you no harm. Open the door please."

It creaks open just a crack and I see a blue eye peak at us.

"Look, I'm putting down my gun." Reid says and I hold up my badge just to make sure.

The door opens and I catch a flash of a small handgun as the man,Mr.Doile I assume, quickly puts it away into a cuboard in the closet, to the right of us.

"Sorry 'bout that. I thought you were someone else."

"Do you know something we don't?" I ask him and his wife who'd just came out to join us from the other room.

"All we know is that someone killed our daughter and that you guys are doing absolutely nothing to find her killer." Mr.Doile says angrilly.

"We're interviewing all the families to try to find a connection between Jessie and the others. If we do that, we can find the motive and identify the person who did this."

"Person? More like a servent of god." Mrs. Doile exclaims "She got what she deserved for her sins!"

My mouth drops open "How could you say that?" my voice is hardly audible to me even but she hears anyway.

"I only speak the truth."

An idea suddenly hits me and I quickly ask what I know will be my last question "Did she have a boyfriend"

She snorts "If only. She would've rather had a girlfriend!"

"I don't know how you found us but I'd like you to leave now." Mr. Doile says quickly before his wife can continue.

I walk out smiling to myself.

"What are you thinking?" Reid asks with the confused expression back on his face.

"I think I know the motive."

"Well what is it?"

"I'll tell my theory to everyone at the same time."

He opens his mouth, about to argue, but shuts it again, realising I wasn't about to budge.

The ride back seemed a lot faster but I'm not sure if that was because of all the ideas in my head keeping me busy or the fact that Reid was driving faster in his impatience to hear my train of thought.

"There's something nice about the silence of a car ride in the dark, going home. When you were tired of the radio and conversation, and it was okay to just be alone with your thoughts and the road ahead. If you're that comfortable with someone, you don't have to talk."
Sarah Dessen

A/N Sorry this is a really short chapter(and a cliffhanger too!) but I've gotta keep you reading somehow right? Plus, it's fun when you're not the one waiting so don't deny it!
Live long and prosper(thats right I just bought the newest Star Trek. Be jealous!),

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now