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You smiled as you finished the final wrapping, it was Decemberfifteenth and you were prepared to spend the first Winter Equinox andYule with others since (friend's name)'s grandchildren. You hadinvited them over in mid-November as it was a time to spend withfriends and loved ones. They were shocked as it was a three day longcelebration; from December 21st to December 25th.

On the twenty-first of December came you slipped on a black dresswith silver trim the collar being a golden color. You then set aboutmaking your bedroom suitable for all of them to sleep. You removedyour single bed and instead, with the help of a few maids, brought ina futon like bed that took up the majority of floor space. You thenput a pillow and blanket set that was the pattern of their flag foreveryone; Canadian, American, French, Union Jack, Chinese, Russian,Prussian, Spanish, German, and for the Italy twins Feli had a Italianflag pillow while his blanket was decorated with pasta and whiteflags, Lovi had a Italian flag blanket and his pillow was decoratedwith tomatoes.

You were expecting them soon so you went to find them and when theyshowed up you immediately hugged them all. Most didn't mind, quietenjoying it, others like Ludwig and Arthur were serious, dare you saytsundere?, and so they took it with a blush and not looking at you.You were surprised that Kiku allowed you to hug him as well.

"So, how is this celebrated?" Arthur asked curiously as youwalked.

"Yeah, you said three days of partying? That's cool! Huh Canadia!"Alfred called punching Matthew's arm as he pulled away.

"It does seem a bit...strange." Matthew did allow as you giggled.

"It is the Winter Equinox. The longest night of the year, this isthe last hurrah of the moon goddess, Artemis, before her twin brotherApollo, god of the sun takes over and the days slowly start gettinglonger again." You explained shrugging, "like I've told you guysbefore, I am a small island, I have to rely on the earth to feed mypeople~ The seasons is important."

"Da, (Yes,) that is true," Ivan agreed.

You smiled and nodded, leading them up to one of the few luxuries youhad, your home was simple the only things you really had that wouldshow the normal status as the personification of a country was yourlibrary/study, art room, music room, and observatory. The rest werefar from squalor but still basic.

"So how do jou celebrate this?" Gilbertasked as you smiled as they entered the observatory that showed theclear sky.

"This is the Winter Equinox so tonight we'll all stay up until thesun rises!" You say giggling as they all, with the exception ofone, looked shocked at you; America seemed fine with that. "Thenwe'll have some Apollo soup and sleep, then after we all wake up weprepare for Yule." You explained but blinked as none seemed toreact much as you thought before realizing what it was. "Christmas!Naveda! (Christmas!) Noel! (Christmas!) Ja? (Yes?)" You asked asthey nodded, now understanding what you were saying.

"So how do you celebrate Noel, boo? (Christmas, honey?)" Franceasked as you smiled stretching some, it was not yet dark so you'dmake dinner before hand.

"I don't think any differently than you guys do. We spend time withfamily and friends, we have a nice dinner, hot chocolate, we make theYule log cake, and burn said Yule log. Mistletoe and poppy, cookies,we exchange gifts. All that jazz." You said using an old Americanterm you had just heard from someone visiting from there.

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