Jealousy Turn to 2p!

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You were sitting over your desk, paperwork spread all around as youmassaged your temples. "Name? You are in here, da? (yes?)" Youturned to see Ivan's face and forced a fake smile to spread onto yourchubby face. "Sunflower? What is the wrong?" Ivan asked pushingthe door further opened, this got the attention of the other men whowere all visiting you and it was late, much later than you normallystayed up.

"Nothing." You said gathering the papers as the others came in.

"It's obviously not nothing." Arthur pointed out walking to youhaving heard the tail end of the conversation.

"Seriously don't worry about it." You assured as you placed yourpapers in a drawer.

"Tell us, bella. (beautiful.)" Felicano said walking foreword toplay with some of your hair. You bit your lower lip slightly andstarted playing with your fingertips. You could tell them, you shouldtell them, you boss had been getting on you to tell them but youdidn't want to be a bother.

"'s just that, some countries are trying to take me over.One of my scouts came back that there is a rumor going on so mygovernment is going crazy." You said rubbing your face roughly,it's got my people on edge." You groaned at your tensed muscles.

"Relax there, mon petite feullie derable. (my little maple leaf.)"Matthew soothed starting to rub your shoulders. You groaned slightlybefore letting out a sigh, after a few moments he started to massageyour shoulders roughly and you gave a gentle sigh.

"You have no idea how good that feels~" you sighed and slowlyyour (eye color) orbs drooped as you fell fast asleep. Once you wereletting off gentle snores that the men had allowed themselves toleave your side for a moment. All were shaking, even the sweet oneslike Matthew and Felicano who couldn't hurt a fly.

"Our sunflower...she's in danger." Ivan growled his lightbeige/pink scarf started to float with his anger.

"Si, (Yes,)" Antonio agreed a snarl looking strange on his face.

"We'll take care of those dumkofs! (fools!)" Gilbert growled,Gilbird being quiet worried at seeing his master so angry, he nevergot angry like that.

"Ja, bruder (Yes, brother) I completely agree wiz jou." Ludwigagreed shaking slightly.

"...Um...I think I am-a changing..." Lovino's brown eyes suddenlywidened as he tried to fight from changing into his second player.

"I agree," Kiku growled softly, "but I don't think I care."He added shaking slightly, "someone wants to take over Romanri,that will hurt Name." He added as everyone who had been trying tofight there change suddenly didn't anymore. Kiku was right. Some,like Francis, Antonio, Gilbert, Arthur and Alfred fell to the groundon their knees their hands dug into their hair. Others like theItalian brothers, Matthew, Yao, and Kiku leaned one hand against aclose piece of furniture to keep themselves somewhat upright, Ludwigand Ivan were able to actually stay standing even with all the pain.

Antonio's hair stayed the same but grew a bit longer, his normallyhappy face went to a blank expressionless mask and he stood. Andrewdidn't have any problem as he smiled on the inside but on the outsidehe showed no expression as he found a seat to take while the othersfinished their transformation.

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