A New Generation (GP)

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(April 8, 2011 at 11:47 a.m. Arvidium had been involved in the murder of his ex's fiancé and is being transported to the police department in Fayetteville, NC. Drowning with regret, Arvidium stays quiet throughout the ride, until the unexpected happens.)

Officer: -continues to drive, adjusts the rear view mirror to see Arvidium's golden eye- Kid, I reckon you didn't do what you did. I can tell it's eating you alive.
Arvidium: -sighs and sits up, stares at the cop- When you get betrayed the way I did, you'll understand.
Officer: That's a little dark, don't ya think?
Arvidium: No. Four years of my life wasted over a jerk who hurt her before we met... I put everything on the line for a girl? -scoffs and shakes my head- All for nothing...
-moment of silence and the radio intercom starts screeching-
Officer: Dog Gammit - turns the radio off- That's the 4th channel to go off like that in 30 minutes.
Arvidium: Maybe it's a sign... Media is deadly if abused.
-both keeps their sight on the road ahead as the state patrol dashes down the other side of the highway-
Officer: You know, I never actually met a mercenary.
Arvidium: Really? You're practically a merc. Strolling on the roads all day, waiting for something to happen.
Officer: True, but we use precautions, unlike you, who'll be as brutal as Cerberus from the Gates of Hell.
Arvidium: -smiles softly on one side of my face- Compare me to my favorite Greek Guardian? Nice one.
Radio: Attention, all units! Attention, all units! Riot in progress by the Cumberland County Detention Center, please respond immediately. This is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a dr....-radio cuts off-
Officer: That's a shame, another riot. As if the Seventy- First High School riot wasn't bad enough.
Arvidium: -notices several SWAT trucks and police choppers flying down the area like a Fast § Furious race, tries to relax- Mind if I get on your computer? I need something to keep my mind focused.
Officer: -looks in the rear view mirror with confusion- Bored, huh? Look, I wouldn't mind letting you use it, but I'm waiting for a movie to download.
Arvidium: Legal download?
Officer: -smirks- As if. I'm only doing this for my wife, she's a kid at heart.
Arvidium: That's nice of you, it's rare to find men around the world who'll go against the law to make the one they love happy. But if your boss caught you for piracy, you're screwed. -smiles and leans back-
Officer: Let's keep it between you and me.
(24 minutes have passed with utter silence, Arvidium looks at the laptop and sighs with disappointment)
Officer: Wanna hear a story? I don't know how to keep us both occupied since the darn radio shut off. -turns my head away from the road-
Arvidium: Keep your stories to yourself, officer. I don't plan on slee...What the hell is that?! Eyes on the road!
(Moments before the officer could return his sight towards the road, the car had rammed straight into a walking figure on the road and started swerving in Serpentine maneuver. The car crashes to the highway barrier and rolls down the 27 foot hill, tossing both the officer and Arvidium around like clothes in a dryer.)

(April 8, 2011 at 3:41 p.m. Arvidium fades in and out of consciousness, hearing screams and guns firing, and the officer being nowhere to be found.)

Arvidium: -wakes up, being curled in the seats, winces lightly and holds my left leg-Ah... Ow, fuck.. Man, that hurts. -coughs softly- Thirsty, should've asked for a drink on the go. -looks around and sees the front wind shield shattered as if someone falcon punched straight through the middle- Woah, and I had anger issues? Good thing the windows back here are secured. -sees the officer laying on the floor, bloodied and broken- Holy shit...What happened? He wasn't ejected from the car. Otherwise, the wind shield would be completely gone. And the shotgun is out there with him.-slithers through the gateway of the seats and slithers out of the crack of the wind shield, winces hard when my feet hit the ground and holds my knee- Ah... Gotta deal with it. -reaches over to the shotgun and sees the keys to the handcuffs- Aren't you a sight for sore eyes? -smiles happily and grabs them, manages to unlock one of the cuffs and freezes when I hear groans-Who's there?... I'm armed and I'm not afraid to have a shoot out. -looks around cautiously, sees nothing and unlocks the other cuff, sees the body of the officer twitch and jolts across the floor as if waking up from a bad dream as a kid,jumps back against the car- What the hell?! Get back! -grabs the shotgun fast and loads it with the two shells beside the tire fast- Don't make me do this! -keeps the aim at the officer's face and squeezes the trigger the millisecond he was grabbed by the crawling corpse, blasting its head out like a cannonball through a ship- I warned you...-climbs the car door and props the shotgun as a cane to help me walk around-Did I really just kill a cop? I'm screwed now.-looks up and sees a small standing figure in the distance-Hello?! I need some help! Ther...There's been a shooting!

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