18: Sunbeam

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By the time I landed in Port Eden, my tears were dry, my makeup redone. Tanner was staying in Farlington during the summer, something that I assumed had to do with my former headmistress. There was no point in staying at the family estate for very long, so I was to go to Cambridge for the summer in a couple days.

My time in Port Eden was relatively uneventful. Eboni invited Xander to stay with her parents in New York, because his family was in the Hamptons already, so I had no one to hang out with. I spent most of my time packing clothes for college.

After two days, I was ready to leave. I hadn't booked a ticket yet, since I wasn't sure exactly when I was leaving. On my first day in Cambridge, I started looking for an apartment. I didn't want to stay on campus, so I did a little research.

The first flat I looked at, I fell in love with. It was completely gorgeous, and just what I was looking for. I immediately signed on it. I started moving all my clothes in the next day, along with some furniture that I bought.

I saw a grocery store on my way to the building that morning, and I could have really used some ice cream, so I started walking. It only took me a couple of minutes to walk to the store. The cashier flirted shamelessly, and finally a girl who was looking at the gossip magazines sighed very loudly.

"Chris, knock it off. She's not going to be having a heated makeout session with you anytime soon, so can you just give her a little space. Goodness!"

The girl had long, straight, dark hair that seemed to reflect the sun as it moved. Her skin was was a warm caramel color, and her eyes were like melted chocolate. Judging from her features, she was Indian. She smiled at me, rolling her eyes at the crazy antics of the slightly unfortunate-looking Chris.

She stuck out her hand. "You must be new. I'm Brianne."

"Gwen." I shook her hand, and the bell on the door chimed, announcing the entrance of another customer.

"Brianne. So nice to see you're... coping." The man said icily.

"Last time I checked, you were the one crying and begging for forgiveness, Bastian."

"Ah. I see you've made a new friend." He grinned. "Fresh meat is always the best."

I glared, instantly hating him. "I would love to insult you, but I'm afraid I won't do as well as nature did."

He just stood there, obviously shocked.

"What?" I said sweetly. "Did I injure your precious ego?"

I payed, then skipped out of the store. Brianne ran out a few moments later, catching up to me easily.

"I'm guessing that you live in Rosing House?"


"Are you going there now?"


"Great! Me too."

We walked to the building, and Brianne stopped at the door to my flat.

"Well, this is me." She turned to the door across the hall.

I opened my door. "Looks like we're neighbors."

She laughed, then went into her flat. I unpacked until about seven in the evening, when I heard a knock. I opened the door to Brianne.


"So... Do you want to go to a party?" She grinned. "Anyone who can make Bastian Scott speechless is awesome."

I smiled back. "Sure."

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