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"Mr. Christopher Brown?" The young girl asked, looking at the clipboard in her arms.
"That's me."
"Would you follow me so we can take a sample for your drug test?"

I looked over at Cara, who was playing a game on her phone. Paying no attention to me. She's definitely still mad.

"I'm going back to get my test done now..."
"Mhm. See you."

She didn't even look up. Something about that...bothered me. I sighed and followed the short, blonde-haired girl in the direction of the testing area.


"Ms. Cara Thomas."
"Good afternoon Dr. Allen." I smiled, following him to his exam room.
"How are you feeling this week?" He asked as I climbed onto the examination table.
"Just a little bit tired."
"Still have that problem sleeping?"
"Yes sir. But not as bad as before."
"Any pain?"
"Not really, no."
"That's good," he spoke, pressing the cold metal of his stethoscope to my chest underneath my shirt. "Deep breath."

I did as told, as he went through a routine checkup.

"So far, nothing out of the ordinary. Ah, are you taking your prescription?"
"Yes sir, I am."
"Good. Nothing new. Same instructions as your last visit with me. However, your next appointment will be in about three weeks. You won't be seeing me anymore, you'll be seeing Dr. Andrews. She's very nice. And very well trained. I'm sure you'll have no problems with her."
"Dr. Andrews?"
"Yes, here is her card. The address of the office is on the front right below the number. Don't worry. She's a good friend of mine and she'll treat you just as well as I do."
"Thank you, Dr. Allen. You've been really kind the whole time I've been seeing you."
"It's just my job, Cara."

I finished up my check up and left the exam room to meet up with Chris. He was sitting in the waiting room with his hands clasped together. He looked up at me.

"What were you doing back there?"
"A checkup."
"That's what I said..."
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"I'm fine."
"Fuck, relax I'm fine!" I huffed.
"Don't get all upset, baby I'm just concerned."

He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my torso. I sighed as he rested his head on my chest. Reluctantly, I wrapped my arms around his head, stroking his curls.

"I missed you...please don't leave me like that again..."
"Well babe, don't do stupid shit."
"You treat me so rough lately..."
"Stop, you know I love you with all my heart. I'm just upset and venting."
"Baby I didn't mean to even let her find out where I live, but—"
"Mr. Brown? We have your results."
"Oh, um..."
"If you'll follow me back to the exam room."

He stood me up and didn't give me the option to stay and wait this time. He dragged me behind him to the exam room. The young nurse picked up the clipboard from the counter and read over it for a moment. She looked up at him with what looked like sympathy on her face.

"Well, from what you told us this happened three weeks ago, correct?"
"Usually it only takes a few days for any drugs to be flushed from your system. I use the term few very lightly. In your case, there were no traces of any drugs in the urine sample we took. That's why we also took a blood test and a hair follicle test. The blood test also came back negative."
"So you couldn't find the drugs?"
"The symptoms you described to us definitely sounded like you were drugged. So to be sure, we ran a hair follicle test as well. We found trace amounts of Ketamine in your system."
"Usually used as an anesthetic in hospitals. Had you hand any prior medical procedures?"
"No ma'am."
"And you don't take recreational drugs?"
"I haven't since I was 17."
"Okay, Mr. Brown I think it's safe to assume you were drugged. Do you know who might have drugged you?"
"I know exactly who it was. That's why I needed the test, to take out a restraining order against her."

I saw her eyes dart to me briefly before affixing themselves back on him. She told us that she would make a copy of his results for us to take and left the room. He looked at me.

"She really did drug me..."
"At least you're okay now. And we won't have to worry about her anymore once we file this document."
"Baby I'm so sorry..."
"You already apologized. I'm not blaming you."
"I love you...I'm sorry..."
"Stop. I love you too..."

I stroked his curls gently. He leaned over to lay his head on my shoulder as best he could in the chairs we were in. I sighed. I can't even tell him.

"Thank you officer."
"No problem. You two be safe."

Chris latched onto my hand, intertwining our fingers as we walked out of the precinct. On the way back to my house, he kept glancing over at me. When he pulled up, I got out and walked inside. When I went to lock my front door, he had beaten me to it. I jumped because I hadn't heard him follow me up.

"What are you doing?"

He turned off the lights in the living room, and every other light he could reach until it was dark in the house.


I felt him hoist me over his shoulder and start walking. He threw me onto my own bed and I heard shuffling like he was removing his clothes. It wasn't long after, that he started removing mine. All the way down to my underwear.

"I said no sex. What are you doing!?"
"Just shut up..."
"Who the fuck you—"

He clasped his hand over my mouth and I felt him forcing me back into bed. Then his weight on top of me. Before I had the chance to start fighting him off, I realized what he was doing. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face between my breasts.

"I missed you...I love you...god, I adore you. Stop treating me like this...don't stay away from me for so long. It hurts."
"No, I'm baby. Or babe. Or something cute. I need to hear it."
"...So needy..."
"Tell me you love me..."
"I love you. I adore you. That hasn't changed. You're still my baby."
"I love you so much..."
"You can't lay on top of me, Chris. You're heavy. C'mon, flip over on your side."

He did as asked, and I held him close until he fell asleep in my arms. I can't even stay mad at him. I'm incapable. He looks so sweet. I missed him so much more than I'll ever admit out loud. I pecked him softly on his forehead. My big baby.

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