Chapter 1

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~~~Jamie's POV~~~

I walked into the school. After no longer than five seconds, it all went black...


I woke up and see a boy with red-black hair and deep blue eyes leaning over me. "Are you okay?" He asked in a gentle yet startled voice. I nodded and sat up slowly. "Hey, take it easy," he said, helping me up. "You took a pretty nasty blow to the head... What happened?" I shrugged. "Well then what's your name?"

"Jamie!" My brother called as he ran over. He kneeled down next to me on the opposite side from the boy. "What happened?" He asked, looking at him.

"Um... When he walked in and a group of like, football-jocks surrounded him and I think one hit him. He got knocked out."

He sighed. "Not again... Thanks for the help, but I can take him from here."

"No. I wanna stay and make sure he's okay."

He sighed and picked me up. "You're gonna miss class..."

"I don't care." He started walking towards the nurse's office.

He followed him and laid me down on one of the couch-things when we got there. I didn't notice that my head was bleeding until it got in my eye, causing me to squeak and wipe it away.

The nurse soon came into the room. "Again, Mr. Sommers?"

I nodded, sighing. I'd been in here four times because of the same issue after the operation. I'm transgender. I used to be a girl before a couple months ago.

"Where's your brother?"

"Right here," Colin said, stepped forward slightly.

The boy that had helped me was standing in the corner. I didn't recognize him. 'Is he new?' I thought to myself.

"And who's this?" She asked, pointing at the boy.

"I'm Ray. Ray Warner."

"You should get back to cla-"

"No!" He cut her off. "I'm gonna stay."

"Alright. It's your record."

He shrugged and sat by my feet. Damnit... He's gorgeous... Stop it! He probably doesn't even care about you! Don't get hurt again! Idiot!

"Jame, are you okay?" Colin asked.

I nodded, not realizing I was squeezing my fists.

The nurse chuckled a bit. "Alright. The three of you can hang out in here for the rest of the period. Then it's back to class." We all nodded and she walked out.

Colin looked at me. "Need anything, Jame? I should probably get back to class..."

I shook my head and he gave me a hug before walking out.

Ray looked at me. "The nurse said again. How many times has this happened?"

I held up four fingers.

"Damn... Wait... I don't mean to be rude, but why aren't you talking?"

I held up a finger in front of my lips.

"Mute?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Oh. Cool. I kinda wanted to be, but I talk too much." He chuckled softly.

A small smile crept onto my lips.

He chuckled softly. "I know the nurse lady said we had to go back to class after this period, but do you maybe wanna go do something? You don't seem like you want to deal with them the rest of the day."

I pondered. 'Colin's gonna kill me...' I thought. 'Wait... He'll understand... Right? Whatever.' I nodded.

"Wait. Okay, hold up a fist for yes, let's go. Hold up an open palm for no, I don't want to go."

I stifled a laugh and held up a fist.

He clapped. "Yay! Sorry. It's gonna take me a bit to learn how to ask simple yes or no questions. Can you stand?"

I nodded and slowly sat up. He gently grabbed my arm to help me, making me smile slightly. It was the first time in awhile I didn't wince when someone touched my arms.

He helped me walk out of the school, by then I had regained my balance and he had let go of my arm, making me frown slightly. "You okay?" He asked.

I nodded, feeling stupid.

He smiled slightly and looked at me. "Wanna get some pizza or something?"

I shook my head, but of course that's when my stomach decided to hate me. It growled. Rather long and loud.

"How long has it been since you've eaten something?" He asked, suspicious.

I held up five fingers.

"Five days?! Alright. You're eating something."

I sighed in surrender.

He grabbed my hand, making me blush, and pulled me along the sidewalk to a nearby pizza parlor.

Once there, we sat down.

"What do you like?" He asked. "Point to it."

I looked at the menu and pointed to the white sauce, then to the pepperoni.

"Oh cool. Me too." He smiled and stacked our menus.

The waiter came. "Drinks."

Ray looked at me, then back at the waiter. "Two waters please."

The waiter nodded. "Ready to order?"

He nodded. "We're gonna split a medium with white sauce and pepperonis."

They nodded and walked off.


Ray was walking me home. I hadn't noticed, but he grabbed my hand halfway there. Once there, I looked at him and pointed to the house, indicating that it was mine.

"This your place?"

I nodded.

"Close your eyes for a second..." He said shakily.

I was confused but did as told, my eyelids fluttering closed. Before long, I felt a pair of lips on mine. My eye opened slightly in shock but I relaxed and closed them after realizing it was him. 'Holy fuck... He's kissing... Me?!' I thought.

After another what felt like nothing but was actually ten seconds, he pulled back slowly. "S-sorry... I-I should go..."

I shook my head and pecked his lips once more before turning and walking inside. 'Woah...'


Hey! First chapter! Don't like boyxboy? Haha go fuck yourself you shouldn't have read it!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share! Thanks for reading!

^^ media is Jamie before the operation, Jenna.

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