Chapter 5

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Hey sorry for the wait. Got writers' block and the whole views thing.


~~~Jamie's POV~~~

I woke up in the hospital. Wait. The hospital?! I started breathing heavily and frantically looking around.

"He's awake!" I heard a familiar voice call. Ray? No... Why would he be here?

I looked over and saw him standing next to me.

"Oh my god, Jamie I was so worried!"

I rolled my eyes and looked the other way, arms crossed.

"Jamie... Please let me explain..."

A tear fell from my eye, but I sighed and turned back to him.

He sighed in relief and sat next to me, taking my hand but I pulled it away. He frowned but went on talking. "Jamie... I swear I didn't kiss that girl... She kissed me... She's my ex and she's a bitch and she cheated on me. She came up to me and said if I didn't stop seeing you that she'd tell the jocks to beat you up... I was stunned and she kissed me, therefore, stunning me more. Look, I'm so sorry... I promise it wasn't my fault... I love you, Jamie..."

I felt my cheeks heat up and a smile crept onto my face.

He leaned down and kissed me softly and I kissed back. "How're you feeling?" He asked after pulling away.

I shrugged and held up five fingers, showing my level of pain.

He frowned. "Alright... I'm gonna go tell the nurses you're awake..."

I nodded as he walked out to get the nurses. I looked around and sighed. White. Everywhere. Why must hospitals be so clean? I mean, it makes sense, but it's almost too clean. It's always given me a false hope, almost. Like, it tells me that life will get better. Yet every time I'm here, it gets worse.

Soon Ray came back in with two nurses and the nurses started checking things on me. I just closed my eyes and let it happen. They stuck a couple needles in my arm and I didn't move or even wince. I was used to it by now.

They soon finished. "Mr. Sommers, you'll be alright. We can release you now once you fill out the paperwork. Just get some rest tonight."

I nodded and looked over at Ray who was smiling at me.

The nurses walked out, leaving me a Ray alone. He walked over and smiled at me. "That was a close one. You okay?"

I nodded and sat up. I sighed in relief when I saw they left me in my clothes rather than a hospital gown. I stood up slowly with the help of Ray and steadied myself.

He helped me to the door and to the elevator. Once inside, he looked at me. "I'm so so sorry about earlier..."

I sighed and looked away.

"Jamie... I swear... She kissed me... It meant nothing... I'm gay... And I love you more than anything..." He sighed and pulled me to him.

I bit my lip and reached up to kiss him.

He smiled and kissed back for a second before pulling back as the door opened. We walked out of the elevator and to the desk to sign the papers.

The receptionist lady handed me the clipboard and a pen. I quickly signed it and handed it back to her. "Thank you. Have a nice day," she said. I nodded and started walking to the door with Ray right behind me.

"Do you want me to take you home?"
He asked. I shook my head. "Do you wanna go home at all?" I shook my head again. "Do you wanna stay with me tonight?" I nodded and flung my arms around him. "Hey hey what's wrong?" He asked, hugging back and rubbing my back. I shook my head and pulled away. "Let's go..." He led me to his house.

*le magical time skip brought to you by a pandas ass* (PanicAtTheFallOut32 I stole that from you hehe deal with it)

We soon arrived back at Ray's house.

"Huh. My parents aren't home..." He went to the kitchen and found a note on the fridge. "Goddamnit!" He yelled.

I jumped and walked to him, giving him a questioning look.

He sighed. "Sorry... My damn mom ran off with her deadbeat boyfriend to Vegas to get married. I don't understand that woman. He's beat me from day one... She's just too stupid to see..."

I almost cried at the fact and threw my arms around him, hugging him so tight it kinda hurt my arms. I buried my face in his neck and planted small kisses on it.

He hugged me back, a little less tight. "I'm sorry..."

I shook my head and continued what I was doing.

"Mm... Babe, you're turning me on..."

I bit my lip and smirked slightly. I continued what I was doing and gained a soft moan from him.

He bit his lip and tried to pull his hips back a little so I wouldn't feel the bulge in his pants.

I felt it anyway and smirked. I trailed my kisses up to his ear and nibbled on it.

"Ugh... Jamie... You'd better be for real..." He picked me up like a baby, earning a small squeak from me, and carried me upstairs.


Aye! Again, sorry for taking forever and a short chapter. The next chapter will be smut, so skip it if you want. Nothing will be missed, really. But read it if you want. Thanks for reading!

I want a total of 15 votes on this book before I publish the next chapter. So share it with your friends. I have 9 as of right now. Thanks.

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