Chapter 1 - Serpents and Sorrows

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                The sky was dark and flecked with stars as the twinkling lights of nearby Little Bandymoore flickered softly over the trees. Huge pines swayed loftily in the wind as it passed through their branches. A lake of undisturbed black water mirrored the forest and the pinpricks of light far above. A single raven was perched by the lake digging with its beak for tasty worms in the cracked earth. It looked up as a sudden light blazed deep in the forest illuminating the figure of a man. The raven leapt into the air at his approach and wheeled through the air, cawing to the heavens. Two resounding cracks echoed like gunshots and two more men appeared at the lakes edge. One raised its hooded face to the circling bird and muttered something incoherent under his breath. A jet of emerald green light hit the bird and it fell like a stone into the lake it's beak still stretched wide in a silent call.

               The two men stood back as the first figure emerged from the forest and regarded them. It nodded and all three stepped forward. In perfect synchronization they raised their wands and pointed them at the black depths of the pool. Instantly it began to writhe and twist, sending wave after wave crashing against the shore. From its depths something began to rise to the surface. something massive and sinuous with a long, flexible, powerful body. A huge diamond-shaped head rose into the air with row upon row of black, venomous fangs. It opened unseeing, milky-white eyes that where webbed and oozing. Stretching back it's head it opened a crown of acid-green fins and, like some massive bird of prey it lunged down towards the men on the bank it's fangs bared.

              Whipping around the figure in the middle cried "Confringo!" and a jet of white-hot flames slashed through the air colliding with the basilisk. The enchanted flames licked up it's long tail towards its head but the basilisk dove back under the water. There was silence for a moment only and then again the beast lunged, smashing it's weighted head like a club and pulverizing the trees along the bank. 

             "Avada Kedavra!" The tallest cloaked man stood ten feet away from the carnage and another blast of green light flew at the beast. When it hit the massive scales it rebounded and flew through the trees blasting straight into a willow. The other two stood about forty feet away along the lake's edge and likewise sent curses at it. The basilisk lunged at the tallest and slammed it's entire head into the ground where he had been but with a crack, he had vanished and reappeared standing next to the other two. Together they raised their wands and a huge flaming dragon erupted from their combined force. It flew through the air and soared at the basilisk who hissed and lunged blindly through the air. The dragon raked it's flaming claws through the basilisk's head and threw it back into the water. The snake coiled and uncoiled in agony as the dragon swooped low over the waters surface. and raked at its back. The basilisk made a final, desperate attack and threw itself at the dragon which roared in triumph and dove at the beast. They wove through the air in some serpentine dance, the snake poised to strike and the dragon flying at a safe distance. 

            It happened in an instant. The snake struck with all its brutality and soared straight through the dragon belching fire. As it fell steam flew off it like tendrils and the burned and blackened snake hit the ground with a tremendous crash. It hissed, coiled and lay still, sliding slowly back into the water that had been it's prison and would be it's tomb. 

           The cloaked figure in the middle pointed his wand to the lake and muttered "Duro Totalum". The lake seemed to still, the waves cause by the the colossal snake's fall froze in mid-stream. It took on the look of burnished glass as the water turned solid. The figure in the lead strode out across the newly frozen surface of the lake towards the center followed closely by the two others. "Defodio" said the figure gruffly, pointing his wand at the spot beneath his feet. A great chunk of the solid lake ripped itself up and threw itself to the shore leaving a gaping hole straight down to the rocky bottom. They looked at each other and then proceeded to the edge. "Lumos" they muttered but the faint beams of light did not reach the ground far below. The one on the left muttered "accio relic" and a large, mahogany box flew up from the depths and landed safely on the ground. The one who had summoned it ran forward eagerly. "Wait!" Cried the leader but it was too late. The man had gripped the clasps holding the box closed and had let out a terrible scream. He rose slowly into the air writhing and screaming as the defensive curse took hold. He turned and for a second they caught a glimpse of his hand which had gripped the trunk. It was melting away revealing blackened bone beneath his robes. He twisted grotesquely in the air a few more times then with a final piteous yell he fell with a crunch to the ground. A blackened skeleton in a hooded cloak.

          The other man backed away but the leader approached the box without a second look at the body. He studied the engravings around the edge. It was about the size of a coffin with runes carved on the lid and two clasps shaped like snakes on the edge. The man circled the box muttering incantations until finally he stopped, seemingly satisfied.

         "It requires a sacrifice." The other backed away.

          "Now now Goyle don't be shy. I only need a small bit. Sectumsempra!"

           Goyle shrieked as his arm was slashed open and blood poured down it. The leader held out Goyle's arm and the blood hit the wood. It spread along the engravings bordering runes in blood then it shimmered and sank through the wood as the clasps sprang open. Hardly daring to breath the leader gingerly lifted the lid of the case and saw what was inside.

            "Gone! GONE!" He seemed utterly infuriated. Outwitted by them again! He rounded on his companion still shivering on the ground. He needed to let out his anger.

            "Crucio!" Goyle's scream rent the night in two. He rolled back and forth as he was tortured. His body compacted itself into a protective ball and then jerked apart as a new wave of hatred hit the tall hooded figure. Finally it was over and Goyle lay groaning on the ground. As useless and stupid as Goyle was, he was needed alive. The hooded figure new he had to keep the oaf alive a little longer. A little longer. 

              He gripped Goyle's arms and turned, vanishing with a crack. The woods were silent once more. The stars twinkled down on the frozen lake and the crumpled heap under the cloak. The casket lay open where a small sheaf of paper sticking out of the plush velvet lining had been missed by both figures. he night was still as the trees creaked and the lights of Little Bandymoore shone in the distance.