Chapter 2 - An Owlish Greeting

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          19 years after the death of the dark lord Voldemort, Adrian Valor was sprawled on his back staring up as the light of dawn splayed patterns across his ceiling. Across the carpeted floor were strewn candy wrappers, broken quills, sheafs of parchment and several copies of a newspaper titled The Daily Prophet. Beneath a book headed The Tornado's Today: A History of the Famous Quidditch Team and a large box of Berty Bott's Every Flavored Beans was a newspaper clipping headed

Mass Azkaban Breakout!

Ministry of Magic enforcers found that over the course of july over 7 prisoners of Azkaban Wizarding Prison escaped using a smuggled portkey disguised as a knitted sweater. Among those who escaped were Marion Dorlock, Jorgio Phillips, Emerene Dartwood, Gregory Goyle, Akio Lomins, Barton Yaxley and Simon Rookwood. 3 of whom were members of the select group of wizards who served you-know-who known as Death Eaters. The public should be warned these individuals are highly dangerous and should not be contacted in any way. When approached about how the breakout occured ministry representatives claimed the Portkey had been charmed to fool secrecy sensors and carried an Unstability Jinx to keep it

But the rest of the column was hidden by the books. Adrian ran a hand through his long brown hair and wondered where those escapees were now. He stared down at his half-packed trunk. He couldn't believe he was finally going to Hogwarts. he had heard stories about Hogwarts ever since he was born. His mother had always told him about it but he wasn't sure he believed most of the stories. How could there be a forest full of massive spiders? Or a dungeon where a basilisk had lived? His father had been a muggle so he didn't know much about magic. But when he had found out his wife was a witch he had been simply delighted. 

Adrian had fantasized about going ever since he had heard of the place but since his brother had gone last year, he had become nearly obsessed. Finally they were only a week away. Hogwarts had never felt this close!

A bang sounded from downstairs as the magical fire alarm began screaming at the top of its lungs. 

"Fire! Fire! Save your house and your belongings! Fire!"

"Shut up!" Bellowed Mr. Valor from downstairs as the fire alarm continued to wail. 

"I've got it under control!"

Adrian flew out of his bed and raced downstairs to the smoke filled kitchen. A burnished pot was belching forth flames and his infuriated father was trying to quell the fire licking at the wallpaper  with a bucket of water.

"Aguamente! Honestly Jacob if you need me just call!"

Adrian's mother had apparated into the kitchen and shot a stream of water that instantly stanched the inferno on the stovetop.

"I had it under control Sarah." Said his father now pouring water into the steaming pot "Just needed a little... practice."

Mrs. Valor's stern expression soften as she saw her husband's anxious face.

"I think we'll get your school things today dear." She said turning to Adrian.

"We'll head to Diagon alley. And I think your brother should come as well." 

Adrian grinned as his mother shambled up the stairs to drag his brother out of bed. Diagon alley was one of his favorite places to visit. So many colorful shops filled with magical goods it was impossible not to find something you liked. He thought longingly of all the things he would love to buy and temporarily lost himself in fantasizing. if he had all the money in Gringotts he would buy a broomstick first. A firebolt, or a Nimbus 2001, then he would buy an owl. A great white owl, or a barn owl or a- His fantasy was cut short as his sandy haired, bespectacled brother came bounding into the room. He had the untidy air of having just woken up and slammed lopsidedly into the doorframe. He fell to the floor and muttered a curse under his breath that was unfortunately caught by their mother.