"This girl drives me insane"

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I'm sitting on the couch for a while wondering where Nash is. It is ten minutes past the time he said.

My phone lights up and the familiar text tone plays.

Update on the smoothie challenge: we have to cancel due to filming problems... :(
I'm going to be at your house in about 5 minutes. I wanna watch a movie with youuuu

I smile at my phone and turn it off. At least I don't have to drink a terrible smoothie!

I scroll through my Instagram feed until I hear a knock at the door. Nash never rings the doorbell for some odd reason. I think it's kinda cute.

I open the big wooden door and smile at the angel in front of me.

"Hey, baby!" I step outside and kiss him on the cheek.

"We have to get inside fast, the paps are getting tons of photos," Nash says nervously. Then we walk inside and I shut the door.

"So... What movie do you want to watch?" I ask.

"Hmmm...." Nash taps his chin while looking up. I laugh at his goofy mood.

"Let's watch Step Brothers!" Nash jumps in the air.

"Okay..." I have no clue what movie that is.

"Don't worry baby, it's funny!" Nash assures me with a smile.

Nash grabs the remote and types in Step Brothers on Netflix. The movie shows up immediately and I pull a blanket over me. I lay on Nash's lap and stare at the television. I zone off after around fifteen minutes of watching and fall asleep.

•  •  •

Nash's POV

I rub my rough fingers through her hair and she smiles in her sleep. God, she looks so perfect. Her tan skin looks so soft and smooth. While her hair shines beautifully when the sun hits it. I love how her dimples immediately show when she barely even smiles. I love how she doesn't need that all that makeup to look like an angel. She is so perfect. Meg always points out so many flaws about herself in front of me. But she is the only one that notices. I love how she thinks I never pay attention but I pay attention to every single movement she ever makes. Ugh, I'm obsessed. This girl drives me insane.

I stare at my perfect girlfriend until the movie ends. I didn't realize how long I stared at her. When I look away, I can remember every feature of her small, round face.

Frankie walks in while talking on the phone and I sigh at his loudness. He notices Meg sleeping on me and he stops dead in his tracks. I put my finger up to my lips to tell him to be quiet.

"Awe! Gabriella, I got to call you back. Bye girl!" He says with a smile.

"It's impossible for you to be quiet," I chuckle quietly and look at his face full of adoration.

"You guys are so cute together! It's so not hard not to look at y'all," he smiles and calls for Ariana. She soon walks in on her crutches and looks at Meg, then me. I try not to roll my eyes at all the attention.

"Oh my gosh you guys are adorable," she kindly smiles at me.

"Thank you," I say quietly.

"Frankie, we should leave them alone. I don't want Meg to wake up because of your loudness!" She says quietly to Frankie and he sighs.

"Fine," he frowns and waves goodbye before leaving me and my baby girl alone.

I keep rubbing her hair and she still has that small smile on her lips. I kiss her forehead and lean back into the couch. Sleep is calling my name. But the call gets interrupted by the sound of Meg's heavy breathing.

"Meg...?" I ask and sit up. I can feel her shaking and I get a little nervous.

"Baby?" I shake her lightly, trying to wake her up. She shoots up into a sitting position and screams. I jump a little in my spot at the sudden movement.

Ariana and Frankie run in. I have no clue what just happened. Meg is taking deep breaths on my lap and Ariana looks frightened. Same with Frankie. I look at Meg and she has a light layer of sweat covering her skin and rosy cheeks with tear stains.

"What happened, hun?!" Ariana asks with a worried expression. She walks over to us and places her hands on her cheeks, wiping the tears away.

"B-Bad dream," Meg stutters. I frown and Ariana drops her hands to her side.

I embrace Meg in a hug and kiss her cheek.

"As long as your ok I'm ok," Ariana smiles at my girlfriend.

My phone buzzes in my pocket but I ignore it. I don't care if it's important or not. I need to take care of the girl I love.

Ariana and Frankie walk out once again. I started to play with her soft fingers. I don't know why I like to do this. I just love the way her soft fingers feel on my rough fingers.

We just laid on the couch the rest of the night talking. And a little bit of kissing but I won't go into detail with that...

I went to bed at around 3:20 am and Meg stayed up later. She was twirling her fingers through my hair which made me fall asleep quicker. I love when she plays with my hair.

I love Meg Grande all together.

•   •   •

A.N. -
It's been a while! This is short but you always need those short filler chapters to make the story great.

See you all soon :)

P.S make sure to vote and comment on this chapter !!

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