✧2|windy day, cover update

122 16 1

Dedicated to leila_ssss

• Dedicated to leila_ssss •

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Windy day

"-She is like the wind, open and free.
If I cage the wind, would it die?",
"-Then don't cage it, Mikhail. Trust it to stay beside you."
-Christine Feehan, Dark Prince


Why did you use that character?
I used it because she seemed to fit the theme well enough. She has that smile that's priceless! It seemed like she was happy and in love with something.

Do you ever get the feeling of being in love with the mixture of happiness? The sky blends in with her emotion as well. Thank you so much for hosting a contest with a great concept!

Also wanna thank _rosyalice for tagging me, if she didn't I wouldn't have able to find a good contest like your's! This is my second time joining in a different contest with a different host. I hope I do well (:

Hmm.. I wonder how many time's I've thanked Miss Ro. Over and over again xD there's a lot thanking her for. Anyways, enjoy! If you like the cover please vote and actually it boosts my confidence cause I'm really out of shape today(nervous, guilty, feeling like there's something missing but can't find it out, tired, scared) yeah.

I'm a scared-y catnapper. :"3

Check out her contest! The more competitors, the more fun it'll be! \( ˆ ˆ )/♡


Book cover update!

Let me know what you think in the comment section! :)
"Its simple but not too shabby."-Einsbrain

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