✧13|member of AG

58 10 3

Look at the title tho...

Dedicated to _rosyalice & AnimeGraphics

ho god, iJust can't-CAN'T STOPTHE FEELING!I'm just kidding,Its like beingSucked in aBlack hole toBermuda triangleOr somethin'

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

ho god, i
Just can't-
I'm just kidding,
Its like being
Sucked in a
Black hole to
Bermuda triangle
Or somethin'. Like..
Wow. Is there
Something missing
In this cover
Entry or what..?

Osewa ni narimasu minna-san! <3

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