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Heeyyyyyyy hoeesssss!! It's natika here Leah's cousin y'all knew my nick name nana (na---na) y'all know but I guess it's whatever I'm light skin ohh girl we the best out here I'm not thick but I can sure move it just enough but I have long hair but I like to wear weave sometimes and tracks of just look real good on me I got brown eyes I'm short like 5'3 and I have good lips and everyone says I look good but I don't have my mama she past away from drug overdose and I lived with Leah since then and then I moved with my other aunt because Leah started to leave the house more and her mama tried to beat on me to and her boyfriend kept trynna rape me I never really had my dad in my life he was really just considered as a sperm donor and I guess that's why mom wanted to die cause she never really had money to take care of me but she always would have me with her and I feel as it made her depressed once he left her. But anyways yeah u got your girl natika hereeee...

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