Chapter 8- Louis

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I had found myself very interested in the book. However, there are several unmentionable things I read that honestly made me feel worse off than I already know I am. But I'm not too sure how it all connects yet, though I know it does somehow.

I did learn a lot about this girl, just by reading through. She's a very talented song writer to say the least. Words cannot describe the feeling in the songs she writes and the overall magical sounding chords as though a professional wrote them.

I play piano some, I'm the world's best but I guess I'm okay. I've got one, a keyboard I got when I was about fourteen for Christmas. I played the hell out of that thing back then. That was all I ever did.

I took the book and tried to play the chords the best I could. It'd been a while since I'd really played.

After I got it all figured out and I got back into the swing of things, I really started to play. And then,  I had an idea. A crazy, wonderful, stupid idea.

Tonight is one of my nights to sing. And now, I've got the perfect song.

I know, it seems a little wrong. This is private stuff. But this song is beautiful and I can relate to it, definatly. And maybe she'll somehow hear and we can speak to eachother again.

It's crazy how much I know about her now. Just hours ago, I saw her as someone who stood out, and now I feel like I need to know more. Even with what I know now already there is still a whole person that I have yet to fully understand. Because everyone and everything has a story.

I switched into my leather jacket as opposed to my rain soaked hoodie and made myself presentable before grabbing my umbrella and walking out the door.

I started the walk all the way to Brews and Books in the rain, which started coming down hard again.

I made it there after the two block journey and reached the door. I opened it and the familiar smell of pumpkin spice coffee and gingerbread cookies filled my nostrils as I listened to the sound of the bell that signaled the opening of the door.

"Hi Louis," The familiar voice called from over the counter.

"Hi Christian," I said with a wave.

"A're you singing tonight?" The American questioned, finishing up a drink order. You'd be very surprised how many Americans you see round here.

"Yea, is Jane here?" I asked of the owner whom I had to ask about the songs. was singing.

"She's in the back on the phone, I'll go get her." He said, pulling the sleeves of his oversized sweater over his hands. I nodded and took my umbrella and placed it in the little wooden umbrella stand by the counter while I waited.

"Christian, I'm on the phone, give me just one minute love," She said, holding up a finger to quiet him as she held the phone to her ear. "No love, I haven't seen it around. I'll ask around and keep an eye out myself," She said to the person on the phone. "Right love, see you tomorrow for your shift." She pulled the phone away from her ear and placed it on the counter. "What is it Christian?" She asked, leaning one had onto the counter.

"Uhh, Louis needed to see you," He replied, gesturing towards me.

"Oh, hi Lou. Glad you could make it tonight. We could use somebody decent at the Mic," She said with a sigh.

"I actually he to ask about something," I said, sticking my hands in my pockets.

"You're not quoting are you?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"Oh, no, I was just wondering if we've still got that keyboard hooked up?" I asked, messing with my earring.

"Oh yea, you play?" Christian replied, still having a part in the conversation since the line wasn't full and there was another barista.

"Um, yea," I said with a small smile. "I have a special song for tonight."

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