Llama the Llama

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Once upon the time there was a llama named Llama. (You try being more creative.) It was locked in a cage for most of its life, being on display at the local petting zoo. Llama really hated it, as kids with dirty hands kept patting her and messing up her coat. Llama got more and more annoyed each day, as more and more kids started touching and patting and poking her.

One day, she got sick of all the kids and decided to break out.

She waited until the petting zoo closed for the night, and all the people had gone home. She then walked up to the gate leading out of her cage. She ran into the gate, to see if the lock would break. Of course, she expected it to withstand her force. It didn't, and she went flying through the air into a small field of grass. Llama stood up, obviously not hurt. She stood there for a while, facing the moon, before...

Eating some grass. (What did you expect? She's a llama!)

Llama the LlamaWhere stories live. Discover now