Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to c

 Smooth move Freya, real smooth. First you let him kiss you but then you actually kiss him back, and enjoyed it! You’ve really gone round the twist now haven’t you? My mind was my worst enemy at that particular moment. I was beating myself up for what had happened back there with Cameron. Oh lord even the thought of him makes me go weak at the knees.

His messy brown hair that fell over his eyes, oh those mesmerising emerald eyes that made you want to hand your soul to the devil just so you could stare into them for hours on end.

Before I had realised it, I had made it home to see that the front door was wide open and the sound of glass smashing rang out from inside. Dad was home.

Oh fuck.

I peeked my head around the door frame not to see anyone. Seriously what was I expecting? Some aliens to magically turn up in my living room asking to abduct my father and give me a new one. Yeah right. I am never going to get rid of that insufferable bastard until one of us dies.

I began to walk to my room, making sure not to step on any glass, until I was welcomed with my dad’s fist colliding with my face.

“You fucking bitch!”

“What the hell was that for?!” before I could say anything else, his fist made contact with my eye again, this time sending me to the ground.

As I tried to use my hands to get up and excruciating pain emanated from my palms. I looked down to see chunks of glass embedded into my palms and blood trickling out of the wounds.

“You killed those girls along with my loving wife, that’s what!” oh god here we go again with the ‘you’re a murderer so let’s bash you up’ scenario.

“I didn’t kill anyone!”

“Yeah right bitch!” he exclaimed as he brought his foot to my stomach. This man does not give up.

I began to crawl to the door of my room to get away from him when it dawned upon me. He is a drunken wanker who is sadly related to me by blood not by choice, and I really don’t give a rat’s arse if he lives or dies.

Before I knew what I was doing I stood up in record timing with an empty whisky bottle in my hand and began hitting my dad’s head with the bottle. Blood began spilling form his head and staining the floor. When the realisation of what I was doing hit me, like a tonne of bricks I might add, I fell in a heap on the floor as I starred at my father’s unconscious body lying there before me.

What was I doing?

I’m not this sort of person? Was I?

I felt warm liquid begin to seep through my shirt as I looked down. I hadn’t realised that I had a chunk, a fucking massive chunk, of glass sticking out of my hand with blood seeping from it and onto my clothes.

The room was silent, making the situation worse, then a creak of the front door snapped me out of my trance.

Cameron was standing in my door way with a stunned look on his face. He glanced to my father and then back at me and the tears began to plummet from my eyes.

Soft sobs left my body as Cameron wrapped his arms around me. He began to whisper sweet nothings into my ear to calm me down. The sobs began to get harder as he picked me up, bridal style, and carried me out of the house.

He gently placed me into the back seat of a car as he made his way to the driver’s seat and the car began to roar to life. The tears kept flowing from my eyes, honestly how do I have this many tears, as the blood on my clothes began to dry and the smell of dry blood so hit my nose. I could feel my stomach getting weaker as I rolled over yelping out in pain and then finally vomiting all over the backseat of Cameron’s car.

“Oh shit! Here take this” as his voice trailed off he removed his shirt and gave it to me to wipe my face with. But before I took it I was so dumbfound. His surprisingly tanned skin was perfectly smooth and his sculptured abs that took place over his stomach. I did not expect to see those. But before anymore inappropriate thoughts popped into my head I soon found myself gaging again.

After a few more minutes of silence, I was no longer sobbing or crying, as we pulled into a steep driveway. The cars dull roar soon turned into silence as I was again being carried into a house that I didn’t get time to observe before I was placed down onto a bed.

“Where are we?” I croaked quietly.

“My house. You’re safe here.” I don’t know what it was but his voice automatically calmed me down as my heart beats began to go back to normal speed.

“Let’s see your hand.” He began to reach out and as soon as he touched the glass sticking out of my hand I immediately yelped in pain. “I’m going to yank it out on three. Okay?” I nodded and as I did the glass was removed from my hand.

“FUCK!” tears of pain began to leave my eyes as more warm liquid trickled down my arm. “What happened to one, two, and three?!”

“I forgot to count.” His cockiness still present. “So you going to tell me what happened with your dad?”

I slowly shook my head as I started to sob again. “I still need to work out what happened.”

I closed my eyes tightly wishing for the tears to stop pouring but it was no use. I didn’t even realise it but Cameron had come onto the bed and was now cradling me and I rested my head onto his now clothed chest.

We stayed that way for what seemed like a life time before I slowly began to drift off into sleep.


Hey hey everyone! So what did you guys think??? Anyways there is chapter 6 the next one should be coming soon as I am on school holidays and have nothing better to do. So yeah peace out bitches ;P x <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2013 ⏰

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