Operation: Scare Little Kids

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Luci: So close to heaven. Think I can sneak in lol???
Gabe: ??? What is your plan now?
Luci: Haven't gotten that far lol
Gabe: Scare the poor little one in the middle
Luci: I'm on it
Gabe: Report back to me when the job is complete
Luci: Challenge accepted
Success, I scared a kid
Gabe: Good. Now scare the rest!!!
Luci: It's getting dark so I can😈😈
Gabe: Good work. Report back at the end of the night with the final numbers
Luci: Roger that Gabe

*noon the next day*

Gabe: Luci, what was your final number of children scared? You never reported back to me last night
Luci: Oh I was tired. 37

*a few days later*

Luci: You know you're too into a game when you improve a level, but accidentally takes you down one and you yell "YOU MOTHER FUCKER, I'LL CUT YOU" and then it takes you to the right level and you're like "DAMN STRAIGHT BITCH"
Gabe: 😂😂😂😂 that's great

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