Dance Under The Moonlight (Dancetale Sans x Reader)

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((This OneShot is going to be so cute.. ♡~♡ Enjoy~ because I enjoyed writting this for you guys ^-^
Also..In the pic above Frisk is saying this, "Sans! I didn't know you were a dancer!" Sans:"who told you that?" Frisk:"Papyrus did!" It's so cute.. -3- ))

"So, Y/N! Are you going to the dance tonight?" Your bestfriend, Macy asks you with an excited smile on her face. "No.." You repky to her with a saddened and slightly depressed expression on your face. Today was the last day of school and the school was holding an end of the year Prom Dance. Your closest friend, Macy, had a boyfriend already so it was obvious she was going while you didn't have a boyfriend. Sure you were beautiful and all and people would ask you out a lot but you never found your match, you never even had your first kiss yet. "Aw I'm sorry about that.." Macy replied with a slightly saddened expression on her face as she watched you start walking away from her. You felt like you were going to cry, like if you were a rain cloud than you'd be making it rain all day non-stop. You go to your house and lay down on your bed, slamming your head into your pillow as you began letting your emotions get the better of you, letting your tears fall. You loved to dance, you used to not be much of a dancer but you met a skeleton a while back and the two of you would always practice dancing. In time, you eventually grew to love dancing and would do it quite often at your house when you felt excited over something, like..when your favorite TV show was about to come on or when you got an A+ on a test at school. However, while training with the surprisingly handsome skeleton, you started feeling really nervous when you were around him and would get butterflies in your stomach when you heard that deep and charming voice of his. You realized that you had fallen for him and you were embarrassed by it too. Ylu suddenly hear music outside of your window and open it up to see a DJ person and two people break dancing on a mat of some sort. One of them was a yellow dinosaur like monster who looked like a kid of some sort and the other, well, you couldn't really see his face but you could see what he was wearing at least. He was wearing a blue hoodie with his hood on to cover his face, black pants that had a white stripe on the sides of them much like black basketball shorts, black fingerless gloves, and blue sneakers. His fingers looked a little boney so he must of been a skeleton. You watched as a taller skeleton in the background watched the two and a little kid who looked like an eight year old were cheering the shorter skeleton on. "WOO! SANS YOU CAN DO IT!" The taller skeleton cheers while the little kid writes on a sign and raises it up saying 'Kick his butt Sans!'. You couldn't help but clap as an applause to the short skeleton who was the winner while the taller skeleton and kid clapped along. The short skeleton seems to have noticed you as he turns around and looks at you, revealing his face. You felt your cheeks start to burn from him looking at you as you couldn't help but smile at him and wave a bit shyly at him making a grin form on his skeletal face along with a wink. "hey..kid? can you come down here for a second..?" The short skeleton says to you in a familiar deep voice as it finally dawned on you, this skeleton was the same person who used to dance with you! But why did his voice now seem to make your soul glow brightly and make your heart beat so fast..? Could you now possibly be falling for him? "nah..ya know what..i'll comw up there myslef." He says as he watches the taller skeleton walk off with the small human kid. You blink for a moment before closing your window and locking it then turned around to go open the front door for the surprisingly attractive short skeleton until you feel your eyes grow wide as he was standing right in front of you with a cute grin on his face. 'How did he..' You start asking yourself in the head a question, not noticing that you actually said it aloud until you hear a chuckle and look up at the short skeleton, realizing that he was chuckling since he heard what you had asked yourself making your entire face turn velvet. "N-Not funny!" You say in protest as you were almost yelling at him making him laugh. "do you really want to know?~" He asks you in a slightly flirting way which you found charming as he placed his index finger on your chin and gently lifted your head up slightly to where your eyes met his white lit up pupils. "it's a secret~" He says answering your question making your eyes turn into hearts for a split second as uou felt your heart/soul ((whatever :p)) pounding like crazy by now. "see you later, love~" He says before disappearing out of sight making you look around frantically hoping that what just happened was a dream. You were about to go to back to sleep until you heard your phone ring and grab it, turning it on as the bright screen lights up brightly saying that you had a new message. You unlock your phone with the required password and look at who messaged you as the phone number that texted you was very unfamiliar. " me at the" Was what the message said as you read it quietly to yourself before sighing and getting up as you throw on a L/C/D ((Colored dress and length)) along with some heels that weren't to high and not too short and matched your dress and straighten your hair quickly then head to the dance that was being held at your school that was literally like..a mile away which isn't very far. Once you arrive at the dance you walk around and look for your best friend, Macy. The party was a masquerade party and everyone was wearing masks to hide their identity and you had completely forgotten to buy a mask for yourself to wear making you groan a little. A girl with a familiar figure walked over to you and grabbed your hand gently and led you to the girls bathroom where she then removed her mask, revealing her face as uou realize that it was Macy. You smiled as you were about to say something until she pulled a kitten mask out and put it on you. "I got this for you a little while ago before the dance in hopes that you'd come here and wear it, Y/N!" Macy says in a cheery voice making your smile widen a little. "Thankyou..Macy.." You say sincerely to her as she then shoves you out of the bathroom with her following behind you. "Now go get em' Tiger!" She says cheerfully and encouragingly as she shoves you over to where everyone was dancing. You dance for a little bit until you hear the DJ announce that the slow dance is about to start making you frown in sadness since you had no one to dance with as you watched everyone find their partners until you feel a boney hand gently grab your hand from behind making your eyes widen as you turn around to see a person who was obviously a guy, wearing a black tux with a blue jacket over it as a cover up or something, fancyish black shoes, and a skeleton mask. "may i have this dance?~" He asks in a charming deep voice as he places a small kiss on your hand making you blush like crazy as you quietly nod making him grin. He gently grabs your hand as he leads you to the dance floor as the slow romantic music begins to play and the two of you begin to dance elegantly. You feel your cheeks start to burn like crazy as the dance ends and the man you had been dancing with slowly leans until you feel his teeth touch your lips but they oddly felt like warm human lips as he kissed you softly. After the kiss ends, he pulls away as a dark shade of blue masks his cheekbones, you knew he was a monster from the start and that he was obviously a skeleton of course so this didn't really creep you out at all, oddly. The masquerade dance party finally ends as everyone now has to take off their masks to show their true identity. You slowly take off your kitten mask while the skeleton takes off his as you feel your eyes grow wide and your cheeks felt like they were on fire as you realize who it is, it was that same short skeleton while his cheekbones were now a darker shade of blue and his eyesockets were blank, must of been from nervousness. "heheh..that was a nice me outside of the school..y/n.." He says in his normal deep voice as his blush slowly starts dying down a bit as he smiles before turning around to leave as you feel your cheeks burn even more. "W-Wait!" You say as you grab his hand a bit quickly making him turn his head a little to make eyecontact with you. "W-What's your name?" You ask him with your cheeks a bright red makin b him chuckle. "i thought i told ya's sans..sans the me outside." Sans replies with a warm smile before walking away with his hands in his jacket pockets as he exits the school. You sigh a little in happieness as you knew for sure that you liked him before noticing that people were starting to leave ao you decided to leave too as you walk outside and start looking for Sans. You smile as you find him leaning against the school building with his hood down, covering his face. You walk over to him and take his hood off making him blush as his white lit up pupils meet yours once again. "So..what is that you wanted to meet me up here for?" You ask Sans curiously as he chuckles before grabbing your hand gently. "i wanted one last dance with you~♡" He answers your question as his left eye lights up in a bright blue color before he snaps his fingers and the two of you are teleported to a beautiful area where the moon shines beautifully in the dark night sky, illuminating everything around it as you notice that it was a full moon and it's moonlight seemed to reflect off of Sans making him look more atrractive than he already did as he walks up to you and gentlt grabs your hands as the two of you start dancing. You smile as the dance ends and the two of you lean in to kiss once more. But this time the kiss had more meaning to it, it had love and passion to it and it lasted longer than a simple kiss as the two of you pull away after a few moments. "i love you..y/n." Sans says as he gazes into your E/C eyes lovingly while you gaze into his in the same way. "I love you too, Sans." You reply to him as you were then pulled into a close embrace by him.

AU HighSchool x Reader OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now