Chapter 4

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Mar P.O.V.

"What the hell?"

I suddenly come to my sense and look at Justin who is furiously glaring at us as he holds the door's knob. The way his chest raises and falls so quickly shows how fast he is breathing. The look on his face actually makes me squirm but not in a good way.

Oh god, please tell me this is not happening and this all a nightmare I'll be waking up any moment. Please God!

"I'm sorry bro I just-" while Jaden spoke Justin approached him and cut him off by punching his guts, making him curl into a ball as he cries in pain.

My eyes widen at Justin's action and help Jaden get all his body on his bed as he keep crying in pain. I can't believe he just punched him.

"I'm sorry Jaden, but I have to go after him, I'm sorry." I kiss his head and get up, leaving, but I do look one more time at him to see tears coming from his eyes and I know those aren't from the punch.

I want to stay with him and talk to him but I have to look for Justin. I need to talk to him and explain him it was all a misunderstanding.

I walk around Jaden's huge mansion but I don't Justin anywhere. I groan when I notice I have been looking for him for almost an hour and take my phone out to call him again but I get a call from Alfredo.

God, where he can possibly be? Please tell me he is with Alfredo!

"Hey, Mar, what happened, Justin came really drunk and mad, why?" I sigh in relief as now I know he is with Alfredo. He is drunk and mad but it's good that he is with him.

"He saw Jaden kiss me, uh, I'm going to be there in ten minutes." I say and hang up. I can't explain him more, I need to be with Justin. I will tell him later the whole story, the important thing is Justin.

I call for a cab and tell him Justin's house address. I pay the cab when we arrive and jog to the front door.

After knocking three times and ringing the bell twice Alfredo opens the door, pointing at Justin's room. I quickly walk to his room, that is upstairs, and knock on his door before opening it.

I see Justin laying on his bed with his eyes closed as he massages his temples. I approach his bed and sit next to him. His eyes open and they meet mine, immediately becoming dark as he is mad, but doesn't say anything.

"You shouldn't have punched Jaden." I mutter and I feel his body tense but soon calms.

"You shouldn't have kissed him!" Justin yells but I don't flinch trying to make this conversation go calm and not with stick and stones.

"I didn't. Look let me explain, please!"

"Okay, talk." He closes his eyes and calmly lays on his bed.

I take a deep breath and sigh, "So, I followed Jaden to his room, because he has been avoiding me, and when I went inside I immediately asked him why, so he told me that he ignored me because I hurt him, well we did. The point is that he has feelings for me, and I was shocked, still am, and after not saying anything he kissed me, I didn't even kiss him back because I don't feel the same way." I bite my lip, in a nervous habit, as I wait for him to speak and he opens his eyes.

He takes a deep breath and looks at me with some unreadable look. I frown as I don't understand what he is trying to tell me. "What?" I ask.

He pulls me to his chest, making me cuddle with him, my head on his chest, and he tangles our feet together. He lets out another sigh and places a kiss on top of my head as he holds me tightly against him. I smile when I hear his soft heart beat, sounding like a beautiful harmony I could listen to all daylong.

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