Outside of Our Little Paradise

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You and Alexandria were laying on your bed cuddling. Itwas the same way as you were when you first met, your arms around herneck, her's around your plump waist, and your legs tangled. Only thistime you were consciously cuddling this time.

The two of you were kissing and she smiled moving onehand from your waist to take your hand and moved it to curl aroundthe softness and squeezed your hand which had you squeezing herbreast and she moaned. She then smirked showing off her missingcanine and blushing you squeezed again.

"Ah! Name!" She moaned causing you to blush evenmore. You two made out for a while longer before going to sleep. Overthe weekend she all but moved into your room. You insisted that shestill have her own room even if she slept with you. At first she hadtaken that as rejection until you explained that you just wanted herto have her own space. You liked her staying with you but you justwanted that spot to be her's.

She woke up on Monday extra early and made youvegetarian (favorite breakfast) and you woke up and followed herseeing her wearing a American flag apron. "Ah shit, I wanted tosurprise you with breakfast in bed." She pouted and you smiledslightly and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you so much darling." You whispered andsmiled the two of you eating breakfast. It was almost time to leaveand you really didn't want to though you had to. "I'll be back fromschool soon, and I can stay for an hour but then I have work." Yousaid kissing her goodbye, if you knew what was going to happen youwould never have left.

While you were at school your parents came. They lookedat her shocked and stared at her with a glare. "Who are you?"They asked and she glared back.

"I'm Alexandria F. Jones, Name's girlfriend." Shesaid simply and the two gasped, and accused her of lieng, they had noidea that you liked girls.

For your part you were having a bad day, it sucked butknowing you had a beautiful woman waiting for you at home madeeverything better. Even if it made the day drag all the more. Whenyou got there you gasped as you saw a car. You had barely put the carin park when you pulled the keys out and ran into the home gasping asyou saw your parents.

"Name?" Your mother said seeing you and the othertwo looked at you. "This girl is claiming she's your girlfriend,what is the meaning of this?" She demanded and you blushed darkly,the two of you had not vocalized what you two were to each other.

With that you were thrown out, you glared into yourmother's eyes and growled. "Really? Well is it okay if I have somehours to pack? You haven't bought me a single thing besides shelter,food, and water, it's the law you have to provide that. I've had ajob the last two years" You growled taking Alexandria's hand andleading her away.

"I'm sorry Name," you turned shocked to see her andblinked at her.

"Why?" You asked and she sighed seeming aggravated.

"I should have just told them I was a friend until wetalked." She said and you quickly hugged her holding her close toyour chubby body.

"Alex, no! Don't apologize." You said kissing hersoundly, "I'm not ashamed of our relationship, and if they have aproblem then fuck them." You said with a smile pulling out yourbags, "go pack your stuff while I pack mine, the car is in my name;I saved for it and I bought it on my birthday." You explained andshe nodded kissing you soundly.

"Okay doll-face." She agreed and you two packed. Youpacked everything up; you put your clothing, books, and (items youlike) into a bag and a box. When everything was packed up and yourparents had turned their back you took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this Alex," youwhispered and she smiled kindly and took your face in her hands andkissed you soundly.

"Your mine." She said and with a laugh you two gotinto the car and drove away.

Writingthis chapter always makes me so thankful that my mother has alwayssaid she wouldn't care if I or my brother were gay; she'd just bereally sarcastic. I hope you guys like it.

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