A Birthday gift for you

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New A/N (2.25.24)
Hi, this is old. I made this back in 2016-2017 and I was a wee lil bb. My writing has improved now so pls read my new books, especially "Malfoy's Twin Sister" since this IS a HP book 💪

(Edited: 4/28/2019)

Today is today. It's Harry's birthday today. Draco is so nervous to give his gift to Harry and his going to confess his love for him.

"What am I doing?" Draco looked at the box.

"This is stupid." Draco walked around to try and find Harry.


Harry was with his two best friends, Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger.

"So, what will you do today for your birthday, Harry?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, Harry, we should have a party for your birthday!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I'm not sure yet, Hermione." Harry said. He just wanted to see Draco for his birthday.

Hearing running footsteps, they turned around to see Ginny, running up to the trio.

"Hi guys!" Ginny greeted them.

"Hello Ginny/Hey sis." was their reply.

"Happy Birthday Harry! Here, I don't know what you want for your birthday, so I bought you a balloon." Ginny smiled.

It was a heart-shaped balloon. Printed on the balloon, it says 'Happy Birthday', and there was a cute blue ribbon on the end. (the picture above)

"Thanks Ginny." Harry smiled back.

"Well, I got to go. See you guys later! Again, happy birthday, Harry!" Ginny walked back to where she came from.

"Well, Ron and I got to go somewhere, goodbye Harry! And Happy Birthday!" Hermione exclaimed dragging Ron with her.

"Yeah! Happy Birthday Harry!" Ron waved goodbye and walked beside Hermione.
"Yeah, bye guys..." Harry muttered, walking the other way with a balloon in hand.

~with Draco~
"This is it..." Draco whispered.

"I'm gonna do it..." Draco walked down the corridor, looking for Harry. Few minutes later, Draco found him... Well, more like Harry found him. There stood the man Draco loves so much... Harry Potter.

"H-hello Potter!" Draco stuttered.

Harry stared at Draco, surprised.

'He just stuttered..'

"H-hello Malfoy. W-what do you want?" Harry asked, stuttering.

Draco looked away and showed his present to Harry.

"Not that I like you..." Draco looked at Harry.

"Coz I don't!" Draco frowned as he saw Harry smiling a bit.

"Nope...nope" Draco muttered. The smile disappeared on Harry's face.

"I don't like you!" Draco yelled throwing the gift to Harry's head.

"Ow." Harry whispered, loud enough for Draco to hear.

Draco felt guilty, he hurt his love of his life. Draco went up to Harry and hugged him. Harry was surprised but hugged back anyway.

Draco felt a tear in his eye.

"I like you." Draco whispered for Harry to hear.

"I like you too Draco." Harry said smiling.

"Will you be my boyfriend, Harry?" Draco asked.

"Yes!" Harry replied, kissing Draco.

Draco stood there in shock but kissed back. He felt so happy, he got a feeling that this would be a wonderful...... relationship.


I hope you like this one-shot :)
Please no hateful comments, I'm just writing for fun.
Please vote this if you liked it.
Thank you :)
I just realized how crappy my grammar is and the title I change 'to' to 'for' cause of my grammar. Sorry for that, if it sucks, it's because this is my first yaoi story. Please no hateful comments and vote if you want to.

[New Edit]
Even if I try to improve it, I don't think it's good—
I made this when I was 11 or 12, I think.
Also, you can read my other stories like "Stop Being a Hero! (A Spider-Man FF)" or "Erased: New Generation".
AJ (2019)~

Harry Potter X Draco Malfoy : {one-shot} - A Birthday gift for youWhere stories live. Discover now