Notes from the Single Life

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And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, Philippians 1:9-10.

Love is a special thing, and from the youngest of ages, we learn this. Maybe we don't know the true meaning and depth of love when we are younger, but even from the very beginning we try to understand love and why it is in our lives. Whether it is the love of a pet or a stuffed animal, a book or a movie, a type of food or a restaurant, a family member or a friend, love surrounds us and engulfs us completely. Even in our early diaper-wetting, crying at three in the morning, and spitting-up stages, we are able to tell what affection and adoration are and how they play into our lives.

It is only when we begin to grow and mature that we question love. But then again, are we really questioning love or are we questioning our ideas of love? I have found that most everyone is questioning concepts given to him or her or created by the false sense of love in society. You may want an everlasting love, or something of permanence, but what is it within you that needs anything to be permanent? What does permanence really mean?

Is it still love even when someone dies? Is it still love even though you left? Who is to tell you that you weren't in love with that guy you met at the bar last night? Love is not something to be had, in the sense of an experience. It is not something you can simply remember and bring about. One has to experience love in order to truly understand it, but it's scary. Love is scary.

Being able to jump in with both feet, not really knowing where you're going to land is daunting. Because who is it that has something to lose? The answer? You.

a word from the author: yesterday, I was sitting in the library at my school, trying to work on a god-awful paper about the loss of innocence. instead, I began to work on this. I wasn't sure if I was going to post it on here or not, but we'll see how it goes. you all are probably hating me for posting yet another story and never completing any of the others, and I'm not going to lie and say that I will certainly finish this one, but you never know. I hope that you enjoy Notes from the Single Life. I have been largely inspired by different blogs that I have read, and I hope that you will also be inspired and intrigued by what my story has to offer. thank you for reading, and don't forget to like, share, COMMENT, and add to your own library!

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