c o n t e s t - a u t h o r ' s n o t e

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Hi guys. Thanks for reading thus far. Sorry that this isn't another chapter (I'm slacking), but I really want to get more reads and actual opinions on the story so far, so I came up with this contest in order to get more, actual opinions on the story. More information will be below.

Also, I just wanted to give you an update. I posted chapter four earlier this evening, but I probably won't get around to posting the next chapter for the next few weeks because I have a show coming up in two weeks, and I am going to be extremely busy with that. I also wanted to say thank you so much for the support, even if it is minimal at this point. Every person counts, and I love you all equally. :D


contest description

This is what you have to do to enter the contest:

1. Read the prologue and the first four chapters of Notes From the Single Life

2. Comment (three+ sentence) on the prologue and the first four chapters

3. Comment on my message board or PM me to let me know that you have done steps 1 and 2 so I can record it

(it's that easy...haha)

I will then randomly pick three winners using random.org


1st Place

1. A follow

2. Any graphics that you could ever want forever and ever and ever

3. A read on however many stories that you could ever want (including comments and possible votes if I really like it). If not completed, I will continue to read your story until you finish it.

4. Shout-out to my 500+ fans

5. Dedication

2nd Place

1. A follow

3. A read on two stories, including comments (and possible votes). If not completed, I will continue to read your story until you finish it.

3. A cover, a banner, and a profile picture

4. Dedication

3rd Place

1. A follow

2. A read on one story, including comments (and possible votes). If not completed, I will continue to read your story until you finish it.

3. A cover or a banner

4. Dedication

So, I hope that you like the prizes (I may be adding more), and I really really hope that you decide to join this contest! Thanks guys!

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