chapter 15

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Finn laid in bed surrounded by dirty dishes, old wrappers and other uncleaned items. He had been like this for a week. The only times he moved was when he was going to the toilet or getting food; he hadn't even shaved or showered. His phone was next to him so if Rachel rung he would no about it but she hadn't.

It had been a week since she had said she needed time and she hadn't contacted him at all. Santana, Quinn, Puck and his Mom had all been in contact to try and get him outside and to try and cheer him up but he couldn't

When Quinn had cheated on him he had felt awful, felt like she didn't truly love him and that broke his heart. Back then he must have been pretty naive because he had now learnt two things. Firstly, that maybe she did love him because he really did love Rachel, he had just made a huge mistake that he didn't mean to make. Secondly, that he was definitely not heart broken. Now he was heart broken. His chest literally hurt with every breath he took.

When his phone vibrated Finn jumped to see if it was Rachel. Nope, just another text from Santana apoligising for ruining his relationship.


Quinn looked at all of the metal numbers on each apartment door looking for the one she had been told. She finally found it and nervously knocked loudly. There was the sound of some movement, a low mumble of someone speaking and then Rachel answered. Quinn saw the slight smile on Rachel's face fade away when she saw her.

"What are you doing here, Quinn?" Rachel asked in an impatient mannor.

"I need to talk to you, can I come in?" Quinn replied.

"No, I don't think that's a good idea. Anything you have to say you can say right here." Rachel folded her arms across her chest stubbornly.

"Ok..." Quinn thought Rachel's behaviour was a little stange but ignored it. "I needed to tell you that what happened between me and Finn was a huge mistake. It didn't mean a thing and he really does love you so much-"

"Rach, what's going on?" A man came up behind Rachel who Quinn had never seen before.

"Nothing." Rachel answered.

"Who's this?" The man asked indicating to Quinn.

"I'm Quinn Fabray. Rachel's boyfriend's friend." Quinn answered and put her hand out for the man to shake.

"I'm Brody Weston." He replied and shook Quinn's hands but seemed to be eyeing her suspiciously.

"Might I correct that Quinn is my possible boyfriend's friend and also his ex girlfriend who he cheated on me with." Rachel narrowed her eyes at Quinn.

"And who might Brody be?" Quinn tried to ignore Rachel's comment.

"I'm Rachel's ex boyfriend." He said.

"Oh." Quinn raised hey eyebrows in surprise. "Well I need to speak with Rachel." Quinn hinted for Brody to leave.

"Then speak." Rachel said as Brody didn't move.

"I would prefer it if we could be alone."

"I would have prefered it if you didn't sleep with my boyfriend!" Rachel retorted bitterly. "I don't give a crap about what you would prefer Quinn!"

"I understand that you're annoyed Rachel but I think you should forgive Finn." Quinn shifted uncomfortably.

"And why do you think that?" Rachel asked almost as if she knew Quinn wouldn't have a good answer.

"Because he loves you! He made a mistake!" Quinn told her. "I bet you make mistakes Rachel because you aren't perfect!"

"I make mistakes like miscalculating the price of my groceries and clearly trusting people that I shouldn't, not sleeping with my ex-boyfriends!" Rachel exclaimed.

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