chapter 22: part 1

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Finn glanced around the room that was filled with friends, family, acquaintances and strangers. All that could be heard was the low rumble of chatter and the band's slow jazz music being played. He was at a joint party, his and Rachel's engagement party and Quinn's farewell party.

It was quite a fancy evening. Every man was wearing a suit and every woman wearing a dress. Finn didn't want to make the party a big deal and gave Kurt strict instructions, 'nothing too big or fancy.' But this is what you got when you left Kurt to plan a 'low key' party alone. And to think he had been planning on wearing a plaid shirt and some nice jeans. Luckily, Kurt called last minute to make sure he was wearing something 'acceptable' and told him to wear a suit.

Finn scanned the room for his fiancée. It still seemed so surreal and unbelievable to be able to call Rachel that. How could a girl so beautiful, smart, funny and kind agree to marry him? He would never understand but would be forever thankful that she had. He spotted her laughing at something Kurt had said. That laugh was music to his ears. Her smile literally lit up the room and he found himself smiling as well. That smile was infectious.

Rachel caught his eye and her dazzling smile grew bigger. If it got any bigger now, her face would split in half. She signalled for Finn to go over and join her, to which he accepted the offer without hesitation. He weaved through the crowd as quickly and gracefully as he could, but couldn't help knocking a few people on his way. His height didn't help and made him a little inelegant. Rachel just giggled as she watched him with nothing but affection (and a little amusement) in her eyes.

When he finally made it to her, he slipped his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. She smiled and cuddled into him. This was an automatic reaction to seeing each other now.

"Aren't you two sweet." Kurt observed with a smile on his face. "Almost as cute as me and Blaine."

Finn and Rachel exchanged a loving smile. Rachel said quietly, "We are aren't we?"

"I said almost remember?" Kurt joked. "Speaking of the devil," He referred to Blaine. "I should go find where he's wandered off to. I'll see you two later."

Kurt walked away and Finn and Rachel watched until he was lost in the crowd.

"You know," Rachel turned to face Finn. "If you want to come over, you don't have to watch from a distance until you're invited." Rachel smiled at how cute and dorky he was.

"I know but I didn't want to seem clingy." Finn shrugged. He felt his cheeks blush slightly as he was a little embarrassed.

"You're so cute, you know that?" Rachel smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his stomach.

"I am?" Finn frowned but wrapped his arms around Rachel.

"Of course you are." Rachel giggled. "I don't think you're clingy, I love spending time with you. In fact, I wish I could spend every minute of every day with you." Rachel pulled Finn even closer to her.


"Really." Rachel confirmed before pulling him down and giving him a tender kiss. Finn smiled against her lips and kissed her back.

"There's my little boy." Finn heard his mothers' voice behind him. He reluctantly pulled away from Rachel and turned around.

"Hey Mom." Finn smiled, trying to hide his annoyance at being interrupted.

"Hey, Sweetie." His Mom pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek before moving on to Rachel. "And here's my Soon-To-Be-Daughter-In-Law." Carole's smile grew as she pulled Rachel into a hug.

"It's great to see you Carole." Rachel smiled and returned the hug. "You too Burt." She added when she saw Burt coming over.

"Congratulations you two." Burt said to them both as he shook Finn's hand and kissed Rachel's cheek.

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