Lucy and Yukino

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Yukino: hi Lucy

Lucy: Oh! Yukino, what is it?

Yukino: Well, I know you have to deal with a dragon slayer... so can you give me any advice on what to do with Sting?

Lucy: Wadda ya mean?

Yukino: Well, he's been acting weird.

Lucy: Well, Natsu's always been hard to read... I don't know if I could be of any help, sorry

Yukino: Yeah, well thanks anyways

Lucy: Sure

Yukino: I guess I'd better go deal with Sting...

Lucy: K

Yukino: bye!

Lucy: bye

Eh... I didn't really like that one all that much, whatevah, at least I updated... If you have any suggestions for who I should do next, that would be great! Thanks! 

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