Lapis- June 3rd, 2016

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(My brother at the nursing home my great grandparents live in.^^^)
So today I went to visit my great grandparents. That was pretty fun. I wish they remember who I fucking am though. After that we went back to my great aunts and ate dinner before going to my cousins house. He has a really nice house and an adorable dog named Gunner. I want to live like him. A nice house with amazingly cool renovations with my friends and girlfriend.

I hate it here in Ohio. I'm never actually happy here. I want it to be Tuesday already.  Also I'm pretty sure I pissed off my girlfriend because of my mom saying me and Chris couldn't go through with some plans we had with her. I feel like shit and would really like to go swimming with my pal the toaster right now. Night guys. 

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