Chapter 1

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       It's been somewhere around a month since we have arrived here, wherever here is. Ten bloody confused boys with a faint memory of their name. We decided to call here, The Glade, and man, do I despise every single shucking  moment in the Glade. Trapped in towering walls, ready to fall down and compress us flat to the ground, but in the meantime making the Gladers and I feel like caged animals. Make us feel filthy and useless; sweating waterfalls of sweat in the scorching sun. All I've wanted since coming here was to leave more than a teenager at highschool, but I'm not here for a couple months and get a short break, that's the only difference I'd assume. Still, I gotta suck it up, do my work, find a way out, and try to figure almost the impossible questions out. For now I gotta stick together with these boys like glue, and work together as a team.
Out of nowhere my thoughts are overcome by a blaring noise, my hands shoot up to my ears and I try to remain calm and find Alby. I scan the Glade and find him standing near The Box, the elevator machine that transported us all up here.
"What's going on?" I holler.
"I think more people are coming up, there is noises coming from the Box; tell the shanks to get down here." Alby yells over the now noticeable sounds from The Box.
All at once the alarm stops, and all there is to be heard is a slight buzz through the air and clanking noises of metal against metal. As if they read our minds the Gladers rushed over and surrounded The Box.
"What's going on? Do I get a crown and a castle?! Is that what they're sending up??"
"Minho, be serious, how do you know they're not sending up monsters that'll eat your bloody hair off"
" HOW DARE YOU!! This is monstrosity, why who would ever insult the fabulicious Minho and his hair?!"
"Enough you two! Be serious for once, Newts partially right, you never know what's in there." Alby states totally cutting into my next insult to Minho that shuck face, gotta love him. A disturbing silence came over the Glade, signaling The Box had stopped.
"Newt a hand?" Alby questions.
On the count of three we lift the top of the box off, what lays inside are crates full of supplies, food, and medicine, but sadly no crown nor castle. Then I see it hidden behind a crate its small frame on the ground.
"It's a girl." One of the Gladers say, and indeed it was.
"Newt, go take her to the med-jack house, quickly. The rest of you help me get these boxes out. In the meantime, we will have a gathering at sunset." Alby orders.
I hop down into the Box and rush to the girl praying that she's just unconscious. That's when it struck a me, she's  like a heavenly angel sent from above. Her perfect black leggings, dark green t-shirt, black combat boots, and flowing blonde hair. I lift her up with little effort, and rush to the Med-jacks. From my parting I hear, all the guys buzzing about her, "I call dibs"! " Let's make a bet to see how long she lasts!" "Oh, she's mine!" I shake my head at their stupid behavior and pick up my pace, just as I'm reaching the Med-jack house I find myself looking at her pink, pouty lips, they'd be great in a smile, or maybe if I kiss her she'll wake. "Now Newt that's the stupidest bloody klunk you've ever said" I tell myself aloud, and at this her lips part and she lets out a soft sound, that's quite similar to a laugh.

So this is the first official chapter! Yay! Just a quick note, instead of saying Newt's POV I'm going to put a picture of him, or the girl when it's her POV, and the pictures will be the same so there's no confusion. Go me for creativity. Hopefully you found my various puns! So, I hope you enjoyed this really bad first chapter thanks!

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