Chillin' with the Nillin

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The next day, Brianna got up earlier than usual, at about 6:00am. She opened the window curtains and watched as the sun rose above the houses of her neighbourhood. All was quiet.

After 5 mins of gazing out of the window, the silence was broken by  some voices downstairs. Probably her mother talking to someone. Taking no notice of them, she headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Later, when she had finished getting ready, she made her way downstairs, only to be met by Perrin and a random girl that looked about her age. She had olive skin and jet black hair.

"Morning Brianna," Perrin started. "I'd like you to meet Sheva. She's also been given the opportunity of working with Damien. I guess you're work colleagues now."

"Hellooo." she chimed.

Brianna took a moment to study the girl in front of her. She had quite a masculine physique, yet what she decided to wear was rather feminine. She had on a pale yellow maxi skirt, paired with a blue striped sweater. Her hair was done up in a twisted updo, with a flower hairclip. On her feet were a pair of Oxfords. Brianna started to feel slightly intimidated in her prescence.

"Yo. Brianna?" Sheva called. "Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, I just zoned out for a while. Hi."

"Okay, cool. Should we go now? We're running a bit late."

"Sure." Brianna led the way to the front door. Before she opened it she turned to Perrin.

"By the way, where are my parents?"

"Oh, they told me to tell you that they left earlier. They have an important meeting to attend. Something about fashion?"

She sighed. "Of course they wouldn't wish me luck on my first day."

The front door was finally opened, revealing a minibus parked in front of the property. Brianna shot Perrin a confused look and he shrugged. "It's from Damien."

"Hey it could be a lot worse you know." Sheva said. "He could have not arranged any transportation whatsoever."

"Okay that's true," Brianna agreed. "Well, let's get going then."

They walked down the steps to the street and went inside the van. Perrin chose the seat behind the driver and Brianna sat on the seat next to his, which left Sheva having to sit on a row by herself at the back.

"Are your seatbelts fastened guys?" The driver asked.

"Yeeees!" They replied

The van then set off towards on the journey to Damien's studio.

About 2 minutes of awkward silence filled the vehicle. Perrin was busy web surfing and the two girls were just looking out of the window at the view. Brianna decided to break the silence by getting to know her new colleague. "So, erm... Sheva's the name, right?"

"Yeah, Sheva Leila Nillin."

"Well Sheva, tell us about yourself."

"Uh, I was born on September 12, my parents are of Mauritian descent, my hometown-"

"No no no, none of that stuff. I want to know about you. Your hobbies, interests and such."

"Hmm... my favourite colours are indigo, gold or brown, I usually spend my free time working out, and if I can't I guess I'll read books or browse the internet."

Brianna turned around. "What kind of stuff do you browse?"

"Nothing in particular, I'll go read some random subreddit or read celebrity tweets."

"Do you follow my parents on twitter?"

"Parents? Why would I do that?"

Brianna paused. "I see. I like the way the way you talk. Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Erm, your name is Brianna Rothschild but aside from that, no. Not really."

She paused again. "Are you sure?"

"I guess so."

"Do the names Edward and Rebecca Rothschild ring a bell?"

"No they don't... ohhhhh... I see now. Sorry."

"It's okay. That just means that my parents did their job well."

"What do you mean?"

"As soon as I was born they made it their life's mission or something to make sure that I didn't grow up in the spotlight. It makes sense that you didn't know who I was. I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't know I existed."


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking about what life would be like if I was the daughter of two celebrities."

"Now before you start fantasizing all kinds of random stuff, let me tell you that it really isn't all that great. People are so fake towards you it's unbelieveable. My so called "friends" use me for my money and the adults let me do whatever I wanted from a young age, which isn't as awesome as it seems. I became an awful person who relies too much on other people, which is why I decided to take on this job. I want be independent."

"That's kinda the reason why I wanted to do this as well. I was spoilt as well, although not to the degree of you. No offence."

"None taken."

"And yeah, I wanna know what it's like to earn my own money by myself. I can't rely on my parents forever."

"But what made you decide to become a hair model of all things?"

"Well I guess it's something I've always wanted to do. From a young age my mum would experiment with hairstyles, and she used me as her doll. The girls at my school envied me as every week I'd come in with a gorgeous hairdo. I guess you could say I just loved the attention I gained."

"Oh, it was the same with me except it was my grandmother doing the styling instead. It seems we have a lot in common Sheva. I'm glad to have met you."

"Me too."

"And we have arrived!" announced the driver.

"And I've just realised that I didn't have breakfast!" annouced Brianna, noticing her tummy rumble.

Everyone came out of the van and made their way into the building in front of them, unsure of what would happen next.

"Let's hope their food tastes good." mumbled Brianna as they walked towards the front desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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