Light Auburn Hair - Part 2

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After two minutes of waiting, Perrin came back holding two glasses, one containing juice and the other containing wine. He handed the glass with the juice to Brianna.

"There you go. I hope I didn't take too long."

"Oh its okay." Brianna replied.

"So tell me," said Perrin. "What is this matter that you want to talk to me about?"

"You see, Papa gave me permission to become a hair model, but I really have no idea where to start. Since you have lots of connections, I was wondering if you could help me."

"Oh, okay. Well I'll give my friend Damien a call. He's looking for some new models. Be right back."

He left the room again. Brianna took this time to text her 'friends' about her new career. And just as she thought, none of them replied immediately. Seconds later, Perrin entered the room with a big grin on his face.

"Well?" asked Brianna. "Why the grin?"

"He was very enthusiastic about the offer. So enthusiastic in fact that he has decided to meet you as soon as he can. He'll be here in about ten minutes or so."

Brianna's mouth started to form a big grin as soon as she heard the news. "Now I know why!"

After a few seconds of awkward grinning, they started to squeal and shriek. Perrin picked Brianna up and swung her around. They couldn't contain their excitement.

Their celebration was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Brianna quickly straightened out her dress while Perrin opened the door, revealing a man not much taller than her. His golden hair was expertly sculpted into a quiff that was so shiny that she could see her reflection in it. She was taken aback by the beauty of his hair.

"You must be Brianna" he started. He took off the shades he was 

wearing and shot her a look that gave her goosbumps. His eyes were the same colour as honey. Contacts maybe?

"Yes I am," replied Brianna, while doing a curtsey. "I look forward to working with you Damien."

He clapped his hands. "So, lets get started, shall we?". His eyes were drawn to Brianna's hair, which was quickly made into a bun. "I must say, your hair looks absolutely beautiful. Would you mind letting it out?"

"No, not at all." She took out her hairband and hairpins, allowing her hair to fall just below her shoulders.

"Your hair, is light auburn your natural hair colour?"

"Yep, I've never dyed my hair before. I get it from my grandmother."

"And its so poofy as well! I must say, I'm almost envious. You've got the job!"

"Thanks so much!"

"Well, I've got to go. You can drop by the studio tomorrow. Perrin knows were it is. I guess this is goodbye."

And with that, Damien left the house. Brianna and Damien exchanged more happy grins and then continuned their happy celebrations. This time with music.

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