Chapter 7:

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(Liam P.O.V)

"Oh my god! Niall really!" I yelled.

"Sorry! Its all my fault I didn't understand what I was doing."

"I'll go check on her." Louis said, sighing.

(Louis P.O.V)

I went upstairs. 

I knocked on her door. "Abrianna, Niall's really sorry."

It was silent. Thats kinda weird.

I opened the door. 

"Oh my god."

There was Abrianna's body laying on the floor. She looked so pale, and fragile.

"LIAM!" I screamed on the verge of tears.

I heard Liam's and the rest of their footsteps.

"Look, Abrianna..WHAT!" Niall screeched.

"OH MY GOD! We need to take her to the hospital NOW!" 

Zayn carried her limp body downstairs.

There was Niall with tears streaming down his face.

I went downstairs and looked at his face.

He bit his lip and whispered "Its my fault."

I patted his back and gave him a brotherly hug.

"Its okay Nialler. She'll be fine."

Well at least I hope..

The Adoption.(One Direction Fanfic/Roshon Fegan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now