Scenario One, Part One: "The WuDu Complex"

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, and I am not earning a profit from this fan fiction.

Oddities: Season Two

By: Inazuma Akai

Scenario One, Part One

"The WuDu Complex"

Duo and Wufei were textbook examples of an extrovert and an introvert, respectively. The age old clash between the two personality types played itself out in almost all of their interactions with each other. Of course the clash was mainly due to lack of understanding amongst the personality groups.

Duo just wanted to have fun and bond with his friends. He was always open to making new ones, but his fellow pilots were like his brothers. So why wouldn't he want to spend exorbitant amounts of time with them? For the life of him, he couldn't comprehend why Wufei was so averse to hanging out. He thought Wufei considered him a friend, but at times it seemed Wufei out right avoided him. Aside from the usual bickering, Wufei didn't appear up to doing anything remotely sibling oriented.

Wufei worked 12-hour shifts and had a pregnant wife in her last trimester. He could rarely snatch any downtime unless he ducked into his office to read a book or snuck into his personal kwoon to practice tai chi. Sometimes he even settled for a dark, quiet room with nothing but the hum of an overhead fan. He'd stare off into the darkness until his mind recharged. People couldn't understand how it drained him to interact so frequently. It didn't mean his bonds weren't as strong. If anything, he cherished those bonds because they meant there was a remnant of people who understood his eccentricities.

The only person who did not fully get him, so to speak, was Duo. The braided man was high energy and spirited. It was something Wufei admired but felt drained by whenever he was in the same room for too long. Their bickering was one of the few things he gained his energy back from. Duo could always be counted on for a good verbal sparring match.

To an outsider, the two men looked to always be at odds. To their friends, family, and colleagues the two were the epitome of what can be achieved when people set aside their differences to work toward a greater purpose.

The two men were about to receive an opportunity to yet again work together regardless of their opposing views and behaviors. Maybe they'd even get the chance to have a heart to heart and resolve lingering misunderstandings. It was highly improbable, but their wives had faith the WuDu Complex could be overcome... one day.

Author's Note: The "Oddities" drabble series is back! Please R&R.

And here's the 5-star system for your convenience.

Inazuma Akai's 5 Star Rating System for Fanfiction:

1 star – This fic is unreadable! Get a beta-reader stat!

2 stars – This story needs a face lift in the worst possible way...

3 stars – Not bad, but with a little more effort you can make it a really good fic.

4 stars – There are some minor errors here and there but otherwise it's a very nice fic!

5 stars – It's an exceptional work of art! More, please?

Thank you all for reading!

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