Scenario One, Part Two: "The WuDu Complex"

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Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, and I am not earning a profit from this fan fiction.

Oddities: Season Two

By: Inazuma Akai

Scenario One, Part Two

"The WuDu Complex"

"Lady Une just requested our presence in her office at 1400 tomorrow." Wufei had gotten

straight to the point when he called Duo.

Duo was in the middle of eating a sandwich for lunch when he received a vid call from Wufei. It was typical for Wufei to only call him for business, but it was rare for Lady Une to request them for a meeting without the other former Gundam pilots. His curiosity was piqued.

"I can be there. No problem." Duo said. Then, he ventured, "Wanna get lunch before the


Wufei's face remained neutral, but his right eyebrow raised slightly. "I am not opposed to lunch." He responded. "As long as it is not inundated with grease."

Duo laughed, surprised Wufei had agreed and amused at his predictable disdain for Duo's preferred food choice.

When the two of them met the following day, they decided on a deli. Duo was tired of sandwiches, yet he knew it was the best compromise. The deli was quick and in close proximity to Preventer headquarters. Most importantly, the food choices didn't make Wufei gag.

They chose to eat in the deli at a table near a window. Duo enjoyed people watching. He'd make up backstories for people as they passed by. It was one of his habits since childhood. There were rare instances people wanted anything to do with him as an orphan. Instead he'd imagine interactions with them to fill the need for human interaction.

Wufei unwrapped his sandwich, taking a moderate sized bite. He was trying to figure out what to say to cut the silence between them. He was surprised to see Duo gazing out the window, appearing preoccupied with his thoughts.

"You're not normally this contemplative." Wufei said after a moment.

"I just got caught up people watching. Everyone has a story. No matter how plain they seem on the outside, they're actually complex, unpredictable."

Such introspective thoughts were not usually shared between the two over lunch. Maybe this meeting wouldn't be so battery draining for Wufei after all.

Author's Note: I apologize profusely for the extended delay, everyone!

This entry is a bit of a lead in for the setup of my upcoming GW: Frozen Teardrop fanfic. Stay tuned and remember, please R&R.

And here's the 5-star system for your convenience.

Inazuma Akai's 5 Star Rating System for Fanfiction:

1 star – This fic is unreadable! Get a beta-reader stat!

2 stars – This story needs a face lift in the worst possible way...

3 stars – Not bad, but with a little more effort you can make it a really good fic.

4 stars – There are some minor errors here and there but otherwise it's a very nice fic!

5 stars – It's an exceptional work of art! More, please?

Thank you all for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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