The Letter Chapter One

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Walking down the street on my way home I look down and notice a letter. It’s a very pretty letter; the letter has gold little designs on it. There isn’t a name on the letter as I flip it over in my hands.  As I was flipping it over I saw a wax seal on it. The seal has an R on it. I look up to see if there is anyone around then I look one more time for something to signify who it belongs to. Seeing nothing I flip the letter over and open it as careful as I can. I notice there is a letter inside with another envelope. The letter is written on a very nice stationary.  The difference with the second envelope is that there is a date on it and written under it is a little note saying do not open until October 17. I then turn my attention to the letter that was around the envelope,

                Dear Madam,

I’ve notice that you walk this road often but don’t fret you are in no danger. Contained in these letter is what I have set for you to do, do you have to do them? No, but I would prefer if you did. Also if you could keep this a secret that would do us both a huge favor…

“IZZY” I jump and look up to see my brother coming down the road. How long had I been standing there? I quickly shove the letter in my bag.

“Miles, what are you doing?” I ask

“Looking for you that what. You had mom worried because you weren’t home yet.” He finally caught up to me.

“Oh sorry I got distracted, you know how I get” lucky for me it was true.

“Yea yea but you know how mom is so let hurry and get home” we start to jog down our road.

We get to the house in record time. Not really we live on an old dirt road with about seven  neighbors so it not crowed and me and my brother are the only young people on our road. When we walk into the house my mom runs up to me and hugs me saying “you had me worried, don’t do the again” I  told her that I wouldn’t and rushed up to my room.

When I got to my room I changed out of my school clothing and into my comfy cloths. As I open my door I almost run into my brother. “Whoa brother, what are you doing?”  He’s never at my door unless he wants something.

“Just wanting to know what distracted you today?” this one is going to be tricky because I tell my brother everything. We’ve been each other support system since my dad died and our mom turned into overbearing mom where she has to know every little detail about what her children are doing.

The letter said not to tell anyone but this is my brother and he interrupted me before I got to finish it.

“Oh you know just thinking about the homework I have.” That was a believable enough lie. Because since our dad died I have been trying to keep my grades up so that it is one less thing my mom would have to worry about.

My brother look at my face and says “Are you sure that it, there looks like there is something going on it that big head of yours” I smack him in the chest

“My heads not big! You’re the one with a big head.” I smile and walk out into the hallway closing the door behind me. 

Before my brother has time to open his mouth he is interrupted my mom “Kids get down here and help me” she yelled.

“Coming mom” we said in unison. We look at each other and laugh as we make our way down the stairs.

I was secretly thankful for mom’s interruption now my brother would stop questioning me, for now. 

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