Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We walked back to the Gibson household to have a drink and play video games.

As we entered the drive way we could see Gib's sister, Kim, in her boyfriends black BMW, having a little snoodle in the back seat.

Although Kim was seventeen, she never did anything naughty with her boyfriends. She was short for her age, but that didn't matter when it came to her looks. Her hair was the same raven shade as Gib's, but her eyes were bright blue like her mum's, and her skin tone complemented the two perfectly. The contrast between her hair and eyes enabled her to look good in anything and everything that she wore.

To be honest, I envied her sometimes, but I liked her because she was actually nice to me.

Gib sighed as we walked past them. They were completely oblivious to our presence, so we just kept walking.

"How many boyfriends has Kim had?" I asked, my eyebrows flickered up slightly as I tried to count. She had a different guy pretty much every time I saw her.

"I don't know, but I know some of them force her," Gib and I walked round to the back door.

"How do they force her?" A shocked tone in my voice made Gib turn.

"One word. Blackmail. Well, usually," he opened the door and we stepped inside to his small but practical kitchen. The place was always very tidy and it always smelt homey and welcoming.

"What do they say?" I kept questioning, and Gib seemed to get slightly irritated.

"I don't know," he tried to sound calm, but I could see he was annoyed, so I stopped and we clambered up his steep stairs to his room, or as we call it, his den.

His door was covered in 'keep out' and 'Devlin's room' signs, hiding almost all of the wood that actually was his door. We entered and sat on his bed. His mouldy mattress, as I liked to call them, was ultra comfortable and I wished I had one like it instead of my hard one, that gave me back ache. Sometimes I sleep on the floor, because it's usually more comfortable, my mattress is really that bad.

"Fanta?" He looked at the draw that we like to call the 'drink draw'. Gib always had so many different types of drinks in that one place, which his parents, somehow, didn't find. There were over twenty cans, from coke to 7 up and everything in between.

"Yes please," he tossed a can and I caught it cleanly, "thanks," then he took a coke for himself. I took one of the PS3 consoles and turned it on along with the TV.

After about an hour of playing Little Big Planet, we could hear the back door opening and someone crying. Gib paused the game.

"Be right back," he quickly walked out of his room to see what was the matter. I sat on the bed, listening intently and trying to make out the muffled voices. It was Kim who was crying, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Kim never cried.

Curiosity won my brain battle and I decided to see what was wrong. Slowly lowering myself off the bed, I hesitantly walked out of the room and peered round the door to see Kim sitting on the bed and Gib trying to comfort her.

"I'll give him a piece of my mind," he slammed his fist into his palm and stared angrily at the window.

"Please don't, I don't want him to hate me anymore then he already does," Kim's voice quivered as she tried to hold back tears, "I look like a wettie," she tried to laugh as she wiped the tears from her red eyes.

"Not really, I cried today too," Gib confessed blushing. He was trying to make her feel better I guess. I loved the strong bond between him and his sister and sometimes I envied them for having such a good relationship unlike me. My brothers were never around and they only laugh and insult me when I fail. So I never confide in them about my personal life.

"Why, what happened?" Kim seemed suddenly interested.

"Doesn't matter," he paused, "anyway, where does this Ryan, idiot live, so I can hurt him," Gib tried to sound tough. I thought about the name, Ryan. It rang a bell, but I couldn't pin point what. Ryan, Ryan, the name swirled round inside my head as I racked my brain trying to remember.

"No, no, please Dev, don't," she held his arm.

"Fine, at least tell me what he looks like," Gib looked down at her in a forceful way.

"Well," she looked up at the ceiling in thought, "he's got brown eyes and brown hair, and a scar on his cheek from rugby," at that point I remembered. He was the boy who bullied me when I was little. I never told anyone. Not Gib, nor any of my brothers. Ryan was a bully. He used to constantly try to trip me up, poke me and insult. One time he punched me. An all because of that one time I didn't give him my favourite Pokemon card. He had held a grudge ever since and everything I did from then on annoyed him. I was angry now. Six years on and I finally realise I've never done anything about it.

My fists clenched and I took a brave step into Kim's room.

"Gwen, what's the matter?" Gib asked as he and Gwen both turned to look at me.

"Ryan's a jerk," I stated staring back at them both.

"Yes he is," Gib agreed.

"He used to bully me in junior school," it was silent as they stared at me.

"How do you know it's the same Ryan?" Gib looked confused.

"Brown hair, brown eyes-"

"There are loads of-"

"Ryan Montgomery. His name is Ryan Montgomery, am I right?" Kim slowly nodded and then quickened the movement of it.

"Yes," she gasped, "yes, you're right," Gib continued to stare at me.

"Why did you never tell me?" Gib looked slightly upset by this, but before I could say anything, a car pulled up outside and Gib when to look out the window.

"Black BMW," he filled us in, "Ryan, it's Ryan," he turned back to us with a concerned look on his face.

Oh yay, perfect timing. That's the second time today that someone we've been talking about has showed up out of the blue and I seriously hope it doesn't end up like the last one.

"Wait," Kim stood up, "I'll talk to him," Gib nodded. We made a pact that I Ryan said or did anything, Gib and I would jump in to help.

We all went downstairs when Ryan hooted. Kim then vanished round to the front and began to talk to Ryan whilst Gib and I waited round the other side.

"Finally, I was hootin'," Ryan's hoarse voice was horrible to hear. It was like he had a cold, but not coughed. It always makes me want to cough for who ever speaks because it's so annoying.

"What do you want Ryan?" Hearing Kim's soft voice was soothing to the ears.

"I just came to say, basically, sleep with me and we can forget the whole thing ever happened," he was very bold to say that straight. Usually a guy would invoke multiple 'umms' before finally getting their point across.

"Are you insane? No way, I'm not a slut!" Kim shouted and I could guess she was shocked by the whole situation. I would be, well, I am and I'm not even Kim.

"You're seventeen, it's legal,"

"No, get off me!" Kim shouted once again and that's when me and Gib revealed ourselves.

"Brought along friends? Pah," he scoffed and Gib and I scowled at him with our arms crossed, "well if it ain't the magic camel with her many humps," he mocked me, but I wasn't in the mood. Strike one.

"Don't be a dick Ryan," Gib sounded unimpressed.

"Oh really, looks like you ain't never had the 'd' before humpy," he laughed at his own joke and I frowned. Strike two. I could feel the anger building up inside of me, but I kept my mouth shut because I knew Gib could verbally fight this one for me.

"Just leave Ryan," Kim imputed.

"Don't tell me what to do sweet cheeks, I haven't had this much fun since I left junior school, ay humpy?" His smirk made my blood boils inside my veins. Right that was it. Strike three.

I lunged at him, aiming my fist into his stomach and I could hear Kim gasp in shock when I hit him.

"Too long Ryan. Too long have I put up with your patronising comment and nicknames, but not any more I've had it with you!" I shouted as loud as I could. It felt so loud I think the whole town hear me.

Ryan held his stomach and gasped. Before angering and giving me a strong blow to the head. All I can remember is seeing his angry face in front of me and hearing the gasps of Gib and Kim.

Then I blacked out.

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