Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I slowly began to wake up. I could see the blurred image of Gib above me, his voice echoed through my brain, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I groaned as I felt the horrible sensation of pain returning to my body. It felt like daggers were being stabbed through my head.

"What happened?" I murmured as my vision slowly came back to me.

"Ryan punched you in the head," Gib smiled at me, "but don't worry, he's gone now,"

"How did you get him to leave?" I was curious.

"None of your concern, just rest," he kept smiling, but I could tell it was forced. Then I noticed a fresh, green bruise beginning to appear on his left cheek.

"You had a fight, and where's Kim?" I sat up and looked around.

"Doesn't matter," he turned, but I grabbed his arm.

"She'd better not be doing what I think she's doing," I stared at Gib as sternly as I could, his face showed desperation, like he needed the toilet but couldn't go.

"No," he finally replied, but I didn't believe him.

"Where is she then, I want to see her," I demanded standing up, before immediately slumping back down in dizziness.

"You need to rest-" Gib put his hand on my shoulder, but I was determined.

"No. Where is she?" I stood up again and tried to fight off the dizzy feeling that re-entered my head. Staring into his dark eyes, I could see that he was hiding something.

"Ok," he stood up too and sighed, "Once you fainted, Kim caught you and took you inside, then I threw a punch at Ryan and we had a fight," he turned to the window, "Kim came back out and separated the two of us. She then whispered something into Ryan's ear. I don't know what she said, but she told me she'd be back soon and left with Ryan," I stood there, my mouth gaped open wide in shock. We sat back down on the bed.

"We are going to find her." I put my hand on his shoulder and looked deeply into his eyes. Worry and fear swirled round inside them as I looked deeper into them.

"Who know where she's gone? She could be anywhere. Alone, hurt. I'm such and awful brother," he dropped his head and I placed one hand on each of his shoulders and turned him to face me.

"We are going to find her Gib," I said sternly. He looked into my eyes and I tried to smile.

"Where shall we start?" He tried to sound manly but I could hear his voice quiver, like he was just about to burst into tears.

"I remember Ryan used to walk the same way I used to walk home from school. Lets start there," I stood up and walked out. Gib followed.

We walked down the road and up a hill, until we got to my old junior school. The sight of the grotty building sprouted horrible memories inside my head and I cringed.

"Where to now?" Gib asked peering round the area.

"This way," we walked through the small lanes until we came to the crossroads where Ryan and I finally went our separate ways. We followed the path keeping our eyes peeled, ready to spot the black BMW, but our search was hopeless when we came to a fork in the road.

"Oh great," I sighed staring down the two roads that seemed to be endless.

"What should we do now?" Gib looked panicked and began to chew on his nails.

"You go right and I go left?" I suggested.

"Ok," the anxious look on Gib's face made me feel sorry for him.

"We will find her." I tried to assure him and he gave me a nod. We then went our separate ways.

About five minutes of being apart, I got a text from Gib.
'I've found her!! Come quick!!'

My heart leapt inside my chest and I could feel it as it rattled my rib cage and I almost wet myself. I ran. Questions swirling in my mind. 'What if she's injured?', 'What if Ryan did something really bad?'. I tried to fight away these horrible thoughts as the adrenaline inside my stomach propelled my legs as I sprinted. I felt like I could actually win a race, but then you always feel like you can run faster when you aren't running against people. I seriously hate that feeling.

I got to where the fork was and quickly turned to run up the lane where Gib had gone. The wind beat at my face as I ran and I couldn't hear a thing, apart from the fast thudding of my racing heart inside my chest.

I noticed Gib. He was sitting on the pavement holding Kim, who seemed to be unconscious. I stopped and took a deep breath in, before running up to them.

"What happened?" I panted bending over, resting my hands on my knees.

"I don't know," whimpered Gib, as he held Kim tighter in his arms, "I just walked past and saw her in Ryan's driveway unconscious,"

"Ok, let's just get her home now," I stood up and helped Gib carry her back to their house. It wasn't easy. Her head kept tilting up and we had to make sure her tongue didn't block her airway.

"Finally," Gib sighed as I opened the back door to his house. We walked in and Gib placed Kim down on the sofa. She looked very pale.

"She safe now," I tried to comfort Gib as he stared down at his sister.

"What has that idiot done to her," he clenched his fists, "if he hurt her... if he..." He couldn't finish.

"You won't be alone, 'cause I won't hesitate to punch him again, even if he knocks me out fifty times," I tried to smile and Gib let out a little laugh, which pleased me to know that I said something to make him a little happier.

I looked down at my watch. It was almost five o'clock. I didn't believe it at first until I realised that my phone said the same thing.

"Oh no," I gasped.

"What's wrong?" Gib turned to me looking confused and slightly scared, which wasn't surprising, as he probably thought I was still thinking about Kim.

"It's ten to five, I told my parents I'd be home at half four," I stood up, "I'm sorry Gib,"

"It's ok, my parents will be home soon anyway," he tried to smile and I returned it.

"Bye," I waved before picking up my skateboard from the living room and running out of the house.

About five minutes later I burst in the front door to my house panting.

"Sorry I'm late," I said gasping for air, "there was an incident," I chucked my skateboard on the floor and entered the living room to see Jack watching rugby on the TV.

"So, how was your day?" Jack turned to me and smirked.

"Very eventful, no thanks to you," I slumped down on the sofa next to him.

"Aww, little sis have a wuf day?" He mocked in a baby voice.

"Shut up," I frowned punching his shoulder. He laughed and we both watched the rugby.

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