Chapter 1

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Cover designed by _DevilsLittleAngel_ big thank you to her :)

Chapter 1

There he was, my bestfriend kissing my worst enemy in the shade of the supermarket outside.

The car park was filled with cars, like biscuits in a packet, just like every other Saturday morning. The giant ASDA sign stood high and proud on the white wall and stared down at me like I was nothing but a speck in comparison to its greatness. The sound of rattling trollies and coughing engines thundered at my ear drums and I choked on the smell of exhaust fumes. The sun began to burn my skin as the rays intensified through the glass of the bus shelter.

I looked down at my skateboard. It was a birthday present from my parents three years ago. I remember choosing it because I loved the colour on the deck, it was solid purple with a panda at one end and next to it was the word 'Enjoi', my favourite skateboard brand. I even had their purple panda t-shirt and hoodie, but I prided my skateboard most.

I picked it up, the grip tape sanding my fingers slightly as I clenched it in anger. I walked nearer to the couple who seemed to be oblivious to my presence.

How I hated Cathy.

She had that allure, that allowed her to get whoever and whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Her blonde hair and blue eyes made her the stereotypical popular, pretty girl. Only difference was, she was no airhead, in fact, she was one of the most intelligent girls in our school and I hated her for it. Loved by most, hated by some, but envied by all. This girl was trouble and she was the best at hiding it. Messing with boys heads and trampling girls spirits, was one of the things she did best, she loved to be in control of every situation and stir things up whenever she got the chance.

Gib on the other hand was my bestfriend. A jock who never let anyone hurt me, except physically. He knew me inside and out, like I was his favourite teddy bear, he knew I was the worst at arguing, but when it came to rough and tumble, I packed a punch and therefore he let me fight my own physical battles. He was cute and I knew girls liked him, his spiky, raven hair gave him a look of mystery and his strong jaw showed his power.

I loved him as my friend, and I knew he had had a crush on Cathy for a long time, but it wasn't just any crush. It was a massive one.

He knew the evil inside that girl just as much as I did, but his feelings never changed. I had warned him so many times.

I warned him not to go straight in for it, because I knew Cathy would play with his feelings and manipulate him until he wouldn't do what she wanted, and then she would just throw him out, leaving him to feel like a dead rat at the back of a sushi restaurant.

But no. Gib had either forgotten or was just so happy he didn't care. Being my best bud, I knew I had to do something, even if he would kill me for it.

I fumbled in my pocket for my phone, but I couldn't find it. I turned around to see it sitting happily on the bus shelter seat. I sighed in relief and went quickly to get it, but my brother got there first.

"Ooooo, what's a nice iPhone doing here?" He picked it up and started looking through my messages.

"Jack, do you mind?" I dropped my skateboard and tried to snatch it off him, but he dodged whilst still trying to read what was on the screen.

I have no idea why or how, but wherever I go I see at least one of my idiot brothers, and almost all the time, they embarrass me by doing one thing or another. Having three older brothers could be an advantage, but most of the time, it proved otherwise. For example now. Jack has my phone and won't give it back, now everyone is staring at us like we are some wild beasts that need to be tamed. If either of us needed to be, it was Jack. His wild, brown hair was all over the place like he'd just woken up after having a nightmare.

"You're making everyone stare at us," I gave him a shove.

"Why can't you and your friends talk about something more interesting," he tossed the phone back to me, looking disappointed. I sighed. He always put on that half smile face, whenever he was disappointed. He made one half of his lips smile while drooping the other and creating a straight line with his thick, brush-like eyebrows.

"And what would you class as interesting?" I cradled my phone in my hands.

"That kind of stuff," he pointed to Cathy and Gib. My face reddened, and I hid hoping Jack wouldn't notice. "Hey wait, isn't that your friend, what's his name? Devlin right?" I wanted to deny it, but words just spluttered out, like sick.

"His name is Gib, he hates the name Devlin, so don't-" I shoved my hand over my mouth and willed for Jack not to say anything.

But then, it's Jack.

"That's right," his sly smile made my stomach turn green. "Hey Gib," he shouted across the car park.

Oh my pink panda poo. Why did he have to say that?

Gib and Cathy both turned from their snoodle to see Jack waving frantically and me giving him a kick in the shin out of embarrassment. Cathy's face turned sour and she whispered something to Gib before walking away. Gib was now alone with a lot of attention from the other ASDA car park users, and I could see him turn red.

"You idiot!" I kneed Jack right in the googlies and he yelped in pain his face went bright red and he fell to his knees.

"How," he spoke slowly, "how- many- times- have- I- told- you-," he began to recover, "don't hit me there?" A satisfied smile crept across my face.

"And how many times have I told you, never to interfere with my friends?" I slapped him on the back before grabbing my skateboard and running after Gib.

I caught up with him, and I noticed the sad expression imprinted on his face.

"Gib, wait up!" I was breathing quickly by the time I reached him. He turned when I placed a hand on his broad shoulder.

"Maybe we should've gone round the other side," he sighed.

Now I felt guilty and angry. I knew I shouldn't have been watching them, but I just couldn't help it. I mean, I didn't want him to be alone if Cathy suddenly decided to crush his heart. But then I was also angry, mostly at my idiot of a brother, but a bit at Gib as well. He should have known not to go straight in for it first thing.

My feelings were all jumbled up inside my stomach and I had no idea what to say. I had to keep my mouth shut or else I'd probably just blurt out something like 'Why were you kissing that blonde bogey, you should know better,' but I had to bite down hard on my bottom lip to stop myself.

I tried to calm myself by taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry about my brother, he can just-" Gib interrupted me.

"Why were you watching us, and most of all why did you tell him?" Gib's voice quivered.

"I didn't tell-" yet again Gib stopped me mid sentence.

"I know you hate Cathy, but you haven't got to know her like I have,"

At that, I almost wet my pants with laughter. Him, getting to know Cathy, pah. What a load of sizzling cow pats. What made it so much funnier was his 'so serious' type of tone.

"But I don't mind if you-" I was getting quite annoyed at how he kept stopping me.

"No offence but you just-" this time it was my turn to stop him.

"Listen I didn't tell Jack it was you two kissing and I never told him to say anything," my rant began, "he said me and my friends don't say anything interesting, because he stole my phone then he said that what you were doing with Cathy was interesting, then he shouted to you. That wasn't my fault. I can't control him and plus you shouldn't be kissing Cathy because-" he began to walk on and I followed, still ranting, but by now my tone was calming, "I just didn't want her to hurt you," he stopped. "I wanted you to have a shoulder to cry on when she crushed your heart and spirit." I finished and by now I was holding my mouth to stop any more words from coming out.

"You really-" Gib was interrupted by the worst person to join the conversation.

"Am I really that bad of a person?"

Oh great, now little miss innocent had joined the scene.

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