SDMNFC Charity Football Match

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Josh's pov

'Right so if we win we come out, if we lose then we don't yeah?' Simon asked me as we all prepared for the charity football match. Everyone who was playing on our team 'SDMNFC' was getting dressed in the changing room at the stadium.

'Y yeah.' I stuttered nervously.

'Josh it's going to be okay. If our fans really love us then they'll support us no matter what. And if they don't then fuck them.' Simon said and put his hands on my shoulders.

'Thanks Si.' I said and smiled at my boyfriend. He always knew how to calm me down.

'Hey you two lovebirds. Get over here. It's almost time to go out onto the pitch.' JJ called to us and we went over to the rest of the guys.

Oh thank god for that. I thought to myself as we all ran off the pitch for half time. I went straight into the changing room and grabbed my bottle of water, downing it in one. The others came in too and Simon came and sat by me. He put his arm around me and smiled.

'You're doing good Joshy. You had no need to worry.' Simon comforted me.

'Thanks. I guess I'm doing okay. You on the other hand are amazing out there.' I said to Simon and he turned my face with his hand so I was looking at him. He then took my face in his hands.

'Josh you are amazing and I love you.' Simon said.

'I love you too Simon.' I smiled and Simon leant in to kiss me. It was a short and sweet kiss. It was perfect.

'Hey you two, save that for when we win!' Harry shouted and everyone laughed.

'We won Josh. We won!' Simon shouted as he ran up to me with a huge grin on his face. The football match had just finished and the final score was 7-2 to us.

'You know what this means right?' I said to Simon nervously.

'Yes I certainly do. It means I finally get to kiss my amazing boyfriend in front of everyone.' Simon said and moved closer to me. I could see the other guys around us watching. They knew what was about to happen and they were smiling. They all supported me and Simon and they were happy for us.

Simon came closer towards me and in a flash he had his arms wrapped around me and we were kissing. This time it was a long kiss with tongues. I was aware of lots of cheering around us but I forgot what was going on until Simon and I pulled apart. Then I remembered that we were standing in the middle of a football pitch surrounded by our friends and a stadium full of fans and we'd just kissed in front of everyone. Not to mention the live stream that was being streamed on YouTube. We looked around at everyone and although a lot of people looked confused and shocked they still clapped and cheered. They were happy for us and it was the best feeling in the world knowing that so many people had our backs.

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