Inner hatred

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Have you ever looked in the mirror, and hated the view?

I mean you know inside you should love yourself.

But, truthfully you don't.

And that reflection staring back at you

disgust you

In your heart, you truly want to believe your

beautiful and unique!

But what you see

is nothing close to that.

Your friends tell you different,

but you don't believe it.

You ask why can't you be like other girls

so pretty?.

Never getting a reply.

The compliments that you seldom receive,

gives you little hope.

You think,

"maybe one day I'll be pretty, but not today."

Okay so I wrote this because one day I was in my feeling and felt ugly. Truth be told I've had one of these moments when I felt like this. Theres nothing really to make it better but surround yourself with loved ones and just find your good points instead of flaws.




Or do nothing, that's fine too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2013 ⏰

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