Finally Together

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Today is the day, the day you and Harry were going to get married. You were with your bridesmaids and maid of honer in Gemmas hotel room "I am really nervous and excited at the same time." you said while sitting down on a chair in front of a mirror "Don't be honey, where are you guys going for y'alls honeymoon?" Anne asked while sitting down next to you "I think to Hawaii?" you said looking at your phone "That's good, I am so proud of you and Harry." Anne said putting down her glass of Champagne. Gemma was getting ready to do your make-up and your hair "Are you ready?" Gemma asked placing her hands on your shoulders "Yeah, I am." you said lying your head backwards, just when you were about to fall asleep you got a phone call from Harry "Hello?" you said opening your eyes "Hello beautiful, you ready for today?" Harry asked "Yeah, I can't wait to see you." you said with a smile on your face. "I can't wait to see you, I bet you're going to be amazing." Harry said and you could feel his smile through the phone "I have a question though." you said sitting up straight again "Anything babe, what's wrong?" Harry asked with his husky voice "Can we pray before the wedding start?" you asked with a hopeful tone in your voice "Of course we can, what will we do cause we can't see each other." Harry said with concern in his voice "You will sit in a chair outside in the hallway and I will sit in the other chair in the room. We could hold our hands together and this way we don't break tradition." you said looking at Gemma then to Anne "We could do that, we can pray before it starts." Harry said with excitement "Thanks Harry." you said while Gemma is lightly brushing your hair "No problem baby girl, I need to go get ready now. I love you so much." Harry said with a kiss at the end. You hung up the phone and Gemma was pulling your hair into a half up half down hairstyle, "So you two are going to pray before the wedding?" Anne asked while getting up from the chair "Yeah, is it okay with you?" you asked nervously look "Yeah it's okay with me." Anne said hugging you and Gemma. Gemma finished with your hair and make-up and now you are finally putting on your dress your family bought you "You look absolutely gorgeous Y/N." Anne said looking at you "Are you ready to pray with Harry?" Gemma asked placing a chair next to the door "Yeah, is he here?" you asked while sitting down "I'm here babe." Harry said loudly so you could hear him. You and Harry prayed and then he went to the front to where everyone was waiting for the wedding to start, your cousin was going to walk you down the aisle to Harry and he met up with you near the entrance "Ready?" he asked looking at you "Ready." you said with a smile taking a deep breathe in and then out. The music began playing and you were walking towards Harry, tears were already coming down your eyes.
The wedding was over and it was time for the party "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Styles." your friends said while you two walked around "Proud of you two." your aunt said "I am happy we are married now." Harry said stopping in front of a lake "Me too, can't wait for the Honeymoon." you said placing your head on his shoulder "I promise I would be the best husband you will ever have." Harry said looking at you and kissing your head "I'm going to be the best wife you will ever have." you said looking at him. The two of you heard the song 'Like I'm Going To Lose You' by Meghan Trainer come on "May I have this dance Mrs. Styles?" Harry said bowing down "Why of course Mr. Styles." you said laughing, Harry lifted you so your feet is on his "I'm happy we are finally together." Harry said into your neck sending you chills down your spine "Me too, what to do want next?" you asked playing with his hair "How about we start a family?" Harry said looking at you "A family? We would have to take the birth control out of me." you said looking at his green eyes "I would pay for it, so what do you say?" Harry said with hopeful written on his lips "Lets start a family." you said smiling at him. Harry kissed your neck and you let out a moan here and there "Hey you two love birds, come back to the party." Liam yelled at you guys "I love you baby girl." Harry said in between kisses "I love you too." you said playing with his hair. You and Harry went back to the party and Gemma asked you two to sit at the table that is facing the stage "Okay everyone, know it's time for everyone to tell there words to the newly weds." Gemma said into the microphone "Y/N I am so happy you and Harry got married, now I have a sister to go shopping with when ever my mom's at work. Harry you better treat her right, I love you baby brother. I hope the two of you will be happy together." Gemma said with little tears in her eyes "Harry you choose the perfect day to get married, I know you always wanted to get married on Valentine's Day and here we are spending y'alls special day on it. Y/N you will always be apart of the family and I am happy to call you my sons wife, I hope the two of you will be happy with each other. Oh and Y/N I want grandchildren please." Anne said with a laugh at the end. "Harry, you finally got hitched. Y/N you are lucky to have Harry as a husband because he will treat you with respect, and Harry don't forget that you have a Soccer match in 4 months. Y/N you have a keeper on your hands, love you two both." Louis said while handing you a Soccer Jersey with your new last name on it "Lad I can't believe you are already married, what happened to that baby of the band? I hope you guys will have a fantastic new beginning together." Liam said raising his glass of White Wine "Y/N I hope you will be happy with Harry, Harry you will always be my best mate and I hope you two will have a rockin future together." Niall said into the microphone "Oh yeah DJ can you please play No Control by One Direction?" Niall yelled into the microphone once again and then the song came on. Gemma pulled you to the dance floor and you two started dancing, Harry got up and walked towards you and he started to dance too. Once the song ended Liam and Niall grabbed Harry and pulled him aside "Mate I think we should sing They Don't Know About Us." Liam said to the boys "Yeah, Y/N will love it." Harry said with excitement, Harry ran up to the stage "Can I have everyone's attention please? The boys and I would love to sing a song to Y/N, and this song is dedicated to you love." Harry said while Louis, Liam and Niall walked on stage "This song is They Don't Know About Us and we hope you like it." Niall said into his microphone. The boys started singing and Anne sat you down at the table "I am so proud of you Y/N." Anne whispered into your ear "Thank you Anne for approving me." you said into Anne's ear. You were loving the song and it ended "How about we sing One Way or Another?" Louis said with a pumped face and the crowd went wild. The song began and you started to dance with Anne and Gemma, then Niall pulled you on stage and started to dance with each other. The party ended and everyone stood in two lines while a driver drove you and Harry to the airport to fly to Hawaii "I love you Y/N." Harry whispered into your ear "I love you too Harry." you said to Harry and then kissed him softly.

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